
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Crumbly Sunday

 I've been finding time in the evenings to slow down and enjoy some hand stitching.  Maybe because it has been unusually cold for Florida, or maybe because the husband was out of town all week?  Whatever the reason, I was able to finish off the first two months and get started on the third.  It was nice to switch to pink after so much green.
 I was also able to finish up another scrap storage bin in yellow to add to the collection.  I even took pictures along the way so that I can make a tutorial!  I have to take Sydney into school this afternoon to work on her science fair project, so I think that I'll work on it then.  I feel like I need to move up the handles on the blue and green bins so they are more centered.
I've even got the crumb fabric made for an orange version.  I was in the process of quilting it when life started happening around here, but I'll try to get back to it soon.  We were out looking at house again yesterday.  I think that we are starting to narrow things down now.  Before I get back to sewing this morning, I'll  check in at Oh Scrap! and Slow Stitching Sunday.  


  1. I always enjoy seeing a rainbow of fabric bins! They are so pretty and love that they are scrappy! Hand stitching in the evenings is so relaxing. I love it and need to start looking for another project!

  2. love your storage baskets by color how neat!

  3. If only I had scraps that would fit in such a small basket. My scraps runneth over.

  4. That's a pretty picture of your fabric scrap bins! They look fun to sew. Have a great Sunday, Angela!

  5. Nice work on the yellow scrap bin. I'll be interested to see how your method of construction varies from the techniques that I use. Best of luck to Sydney on her Science Fair project! Is Ryan's Team done with their robot yet? It's crunch time.

  6. Great progress. I am working on my red crumb box! I made the slabs. Now I just need to quilt them and piece them.

  7. Looking forward to the tutorial... but I'd need huge bins for all my scraps. They never seem to go down Glad things are progressing for you on the house hunt.

  8. Your bins are a great way to put those scraps to good use. I am glad you will be sharing a tutorial. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!


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