
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year Progress

I went into the closet yesterday to do a new year inventory.  After clearing out all of the randomnesses, there were just 4 quilts waiting for attention.  They all need borders.  Conveniently, I left notes on each as to what the plan was when they were put away.  
 Dancing windows was a very small flimsy of crumb blocks.  The note said it needed an inner border of dark blue and then another round of crumb blocks.  I had a box of crumb block ready and waiting. 

It is a better size now, I might do one more border to make the quilting easier.  I might just stay stitch around the outside edges and then search for a backing option.  


  1. Love how you leave notes about what is left to do on projects. Makes it much easier to pick things up. Great quilt and only 4 quilts left in there! Wow!

  2. How clever of you to leave notes on each quilt top. That is such a great idea!

  3. How fun! It's like finding a treasure trove that a quilter left just for you!!

  4. Notes are good - especially when it's years before I'm back to that UFO.

  5. Wow! Nice job, Angela. What an incredible collection of abandoned blocks that have found a home [outside the (orphan block) box!!] :o))

  6. Such a bright and fun quilt. How smart to include notes, that does speed up that finishing process. Good luck with the remaining 3.


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