
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Day 26

 26 houses on the wall and we are all working our way through the phases of quarantine. 
 I think I'm in the nesting phase.  I spent a lovely afternoon sorting and cutting scraps.  I made some delicious home made chicken soup.  School is plugging along, but it doesn't take the 10 hours a day it usually would.  And so I am reading books and catching up on Netflix......
Plenty of time in the mornings for sunrises. So much time for lots of things.  


  1. your view is lovely! and your houses are growing steadily in numbers! I think a lot of us are putting in more screen time than normal for sure

  2. Your houses are so fun! A good way to create during your stay-at-home time. Glad school is not taking up all your hours, and hope your students are handling it well!

  3. what a beautiful sunrise view you have; your little houses are becoming a neighborhood...nice work ~ ~ ~ waving my cuppa tea to you Julierose

  4. Glad you are enjoying some you time while keeping things moving along. Lots of houses so far and a bunch more to go!

  5. What an incredible sunrise shot, Angela! LOVE how you managed to get just a snippet of the sunrise to come. To me, it speaks of hope beneath those dark clouds. PERFECT for our current place in time, I think. Your scrap baskets look SEW pretty lined up on your dresser! Glad to hear that you found some time to play in them for a while.

  6. Your houses are turning out a lovely town. Can't believe you're up to 26!!

  7. Sounds like you are getting into the new routine of things. And that you all seem to still like each other ( ha ha)
    DH has gotten back the travel time to and from work and its really cool - we have more time to ride or walk... very nice -


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