
Friday, May 1, 2020

It's May!

Telling the days apart gets harder and harder.  Today is Friday.  I keep saying it out loud to remind myself that time is passing.  It is also May 1.  A new month means a new color.  So put away the light blues and get out the dark greens.  Emerald, forest, anything not too pastel or bright.  We used the light and bright greens in January, so anything that didn't get used up then should come out to play now.  This month is all about dark green.


  1. We used light and bright green already... in January will you do lime again?
    okay, I won't have blocks for tomorrow's party but maybe next week. I am putting my log cabins with all the colors we've done on tomorrow, that's how I knew we'd done bright green.

  2. I think I can manage that. I have a few greens stashed in my scrap drawer.

  3. I have to say, Angela, you surprised me with this one. I was SEW hoping for a WARM color!!! No worries, though. I have a SCRAP ton of Dark GREEN!

  4. I had guessed yellow or purple for this month!

  5. Thanks, will go looking for the dark greens ?

  6. We have been retired 20 years now. The way I have always kept up with the days are to flip the calendars each morning when I get up! Now the last 4 months I have wondered what world I was in! When all the people who are NOT retired and used to a schedule and routine, this must have been horrible for them with the 6 weeks of Virus! 2020 has not been our year, but everything that has happened since New Years Eve to us has been nothing but blessings. Guess there is a reason for the world to stop and listen to the birds, but sometimes that is difficult to do!


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