
Saturday, June 24, 2023

ScrapHappy Saturday -

 And now the beginning of summer.  A bit of a delay in the start of summer vacation this year, but I have two weeks of pure relaxation mode to look forward to.  Sewing, relaxing and hanging around the cabin. What could be better than that?

I hope you are feeling ready to finish with the pastel blues and greens. July is scheduled to be red this year! It should be bit of a change of pace.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

ScrapHappy Saturday - Summer Blues

Ah the long lazy days of summer. Still waiting for those to kick in, but today will be the day that I finally dig in and start on the light end of the blue and green bins. I am a bit behind, but that won't stop me from jumping back in again with both feet!
We had a guest speaker for the last day of the Summer College Prep Boot Camp.  Just one more week of work at the district office and I am off for two weeks!  Looking forward to every minute of that time.   

There were some beautiful sunrises this week.  Days are nice and long right now and it truly feels like summer very suddenly.  We got spoiled by a nice long mild spring, but now the typical pattern of sweltering days and afternoon showers has kicked in.  Speaking of which, I am off to get in a quick run before things get too toasty.  Then it is back to sew away an afternoon in the air conditioning.   I don't know how people survived in Florida before central air.  

How are your scraps coming along this month? Use the linky tool below to share with us all.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

ScrapHappy Summer

Still waiting for the long lazy days of summer to kick in. So far I am still working, but surely vacation mode will come someday. Until then, I look forward to enjoying your scrappy happiness.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

ScrapHappy Saturday - Baby Blues and Greens

 I hope that you made great progress on orange and are ready to move on to some nice pastels for a change of pace.  Orange is never a large volume color for me, but blue and green are quite the opposite.  Hopefully by having another chance to focus on the lighter end of the blue and green bins we can all keep up with the supply.  

Kurt and I went hiking and camping last weekend for our anniversary and for my birthday.  Yes, we got married on my birthday, it was my mom's birthday as well.  I always hoped that one of the girl would have been born on my birthday to keep the tradition going, but it just never worked out that way.  It was perfect hiking weather and nicely cool for summer in Florida so that we could enjoy a campfire at night.  
It is looking like a rainy weekend in Florida, which makes quality sewing room time just the perfect plan.


Thursday, June 1, 2023

ScrapHappy Saturday - June

 Some colors need more than one month. I will admit to getting a bit tired of working through the blues, but the bin never seems to get any smaller!  Just in case you made a nice dent in the blues when we did dark and bright earlier this year, feel free to add some light greens to the light blues to try to tidy up two bins in June.