
Saturday, December 9, 2023

Scraphappy Saturday

 It seems that I only do hexies lately.   I guess I am a creature of habit.  The light green row is almost done, but the dark green row is going to need a bit of work.  I think it will look good though after the yellow and light green.  It is easier to see the pattern with the darker hexie colors.  

It was a surprisingly calm week. The kids at school all have college applications mostly wrapped up and are waiting on decisions.   I went to a private college event and did a tour yesterday of Florida Southern which is most known for its Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture.   That was a nice change of pace.  Our neighbor put her townhouse on the market last weekend and it is under contract now, so it looks like we will be getting a new neighbor.   I think we will do some goodwill shopping today for Ryan's new college apartment and see the newest Marvel movie.  Having weekends is such a treat!  I could do this all the time.   


  1. Your rainbow of hexie diamonds is going to be gorgeous!

  2. I think your hexie project is amazing! I love that rainbow effect. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. The hexie rows are so pretty! This is really coming together nicely.

  4. Your hexie project is really pretty. Enjoy your weekend, sounds like you've got some fun R&R planned.

  5. I love your ongoing hexie project. Any idea of the finished size?

  6. Your hexie project is gorgeous! It is "colour therapy" for you to enjoy! LOL

  7. It's such fun to see your hexie rainbow growing every week! I love the diamond shapes.

  8. That quilt must certainly be a labor of love, Angela. It is coming together beautifully. Enjoy your weekend and Goodwill hunting with Ryan!

  9. Why can I no longer see the link party? Do I have to pay to view the links?


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