
Monday, January 1, 2024

New Year and New Button

Just in time for the new year, I am working on the new button for 2024.  

This is not a big year for changes at SoScrappy.  I have several quilts from last  year that need finishing, so that will be my focus.   As always, feel free to do what works for you in terms of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  The idea remains the same, use your scraps, one color at time.  Rather than feeling that you need to tackle the entire mob of extras cut offs and overstocks that makes up your scrap collection, start small.  In January, wrangle all of your green fabrics together and see what you can do with them.  Green can be a large volume color for many quilters, so don't get too bogged down.  If there are too many to handle in one month, just focus on the dark and bright end of the bin.  Feel free to save those lovely mint and sage pastel shades for later.  Pick a simple block or a complex block, but one that you are willing to revisit each month.  Then start to so some sorting and organization, at least enough to get a few blocks made.  Don't feel like you have to use up all of your greens, but doing a bit of taming is always welcome.  Best of all, you will have a few blocks sewn up before the end of the month.  Add those to a few more blocks in next months color..... Before New Year's Day rolls around next year your will have a quilt or more ready to go.  
Tiny Button


  1. Luv the new button! I always say one big block a month but somehow always wind up with tiny🤣

  2. Yay!!!! I worked on greens yesterday so am Ready to go with Green for January!! Happy New YEar!!!

  3. I've been trying to process all the piles of scraps I have into usable sizes. Now the bins are getting full, so I need to start utilizing a few!

  4. Happy New Year, Angela! I'm looking forward to sewing with you and the others again this year. Let's hear it for GREEN!!!

  5. Thank you so much for continuing with the RSC. The scraps keep happening, but at least collections of colorful blocks are made each year into some pretty quilts. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2024.

  6. Thanks for hosting this again for 2024. You have made a cute button. Now to hunt out some green fabrics to play with.

  7. First time I’ll be joining in. Green is my favourite colour, so really happy to start a Disappearing 4 patch quilt, to be donated at the years end to Backpacks 4 Vic Kids, a foster care program who provide a backpack with all essentials a child goi g into foster care needs, a quilt is also given.
    I’m in Melbourne, Australia 🇦🇺😊🇦🇺

  8. Green for January sounds good. We are away on a camping Christmas/New Year grip so wont be back home for another 10 days, but then I'll be digging and delving into some greens. Thanks so much for hosting this each week, I really enjoy taking part.

  9. Happy New Year Angela.
    Thanks for running the RSC again this year.
    Will check out my scrap box and stash , find a suitable block and start.

  10. I don't think the button code on the sidebar works. The button image does not show up.

  11. After a couple years of not doing the scrappy challenge, I am back to give it a try again! I look forward to looking thru greens and see what I want to do with them.


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