
Saturday, April 6, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - Now in Yellow


I love the start of a new month!  Regardless of where I am on the old color, I am always happy to dig in and find out what the new scrap bin has to offer.  I found a few extra yellow half square triangle blocks to use in the border of this wonky star and shoofly combination.   The binding got a little hand stitching time when I bounced back from work on Monday realizing that I sounded and looked horrific.  I am feeling so much better now.  That little extra time to rest seems to have done the trick.  

I thought that would combined nicely with this combination of pink and purple yardage that needed a good home.  Large scale prints and stripes don't work as well as rainbow scraps, so getting them used here was a win for me.  Now I have some official yellow scraps to dig into.  Block patterns for Hen & Chicks is on the top of my list for today.  It is a glorious birds chirping sort of spring morning here, so I am feeling that a nice long beach walk at low tide will follow shortly.  I hope that you have some cheery yellow to brighten your day as well.  


  1. So glad you're better, resting really does help. Congrats on the quilt! I love the border, but I REALLY love the back! Thanks for the RSC and the link up every week.

  2. That's a happy finish, Angela! I really like the way you made the border flow from one corner to another. A beach walk sounds wonderful - enjoy!

  3. I love the start of a new month too. I used to dislike it because it means that time flies and I'm getting older but now, it means a new colour to play with. Yay for yellow.
    I love your finished quilt. Everything is so wonky and fun. Congrats on the finish. ;^)

  4. Congrats on finding a home for that yardage! Those were a good choice for backing your newly completed RSC quilt. Do I have YELLOW scraps? You bet I do!! My basket is overflowing and I'm hoping that I might even be able to do something about it this month. Enjoy your beach walk, Angela!

  5. What a beautiful finish! Congrats!

  6. Happy April! Your scrappy finish quilt is gorgeous.

  7. I got yellow out, but it will probably be the last week of the month before I get the yellow made into crumb blocks.


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