
Monday, May 27, 2024

Happy Memorial Day

 Friday was the last day of class and today if officially a holiday! Tuesday is counted as a workday, but most of our teachers tried to rush through and get everything done ahead of time so that they don't have to come back after the long weekend. I have a few things to do to get ready for camp, but I certainly won't work a full day.  

I spent most of my sewing time yesterday piecing a back for the tiny nine patch leftover quilt.  Leftover orphan blocks seemed fitting for a quilt of leftover blocks. This one is now ready to load onto the frame. I will have to see if I have any batting that I can cobble together. I had a giant roll that ran out and my attempt to order online appears to have been unsuccessful. 

I hope those on holiday will find some time for relaxing and enjoying the lovely weather.  


  1. Nice work on scrounging up a backing and good luck tracking down some batting!

  2. Glad you got in some serious stitching time over the holiday. Hopefully camp goes well and then you can get back to your summer R&R.


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