
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday Funday


I am mostly caught up on pink for May! I squared up some crumb fabric to make star centers and then finished the Hen and Chick blocks along with tutorials. That led to updating the RSC24 Sampler Page and so I think everything is up to date. Yay! 
Kurt has decided to start a cleaning and organization spree in the house, which is absolutely the last thing I want to think about with 5 more school days to get through. Ask me again in 6 days and I will be full of energy and ready to tackle lots of fun projects. 

I have been doing a bit of clearing out and finishing up in the sewing studio. There are several flimsies hanging waiting patiently for a turn to be quilted.  This one is all the leftover baby nine patches made from 1 inch strips that were addictive enough to turn into several quilts. I feel like this one just needs a nice wide calming border and it will be ready to finish. 


  1. Kurt must not be a teacher, lol! Hope you can hold him off for a week or so. Those tiny 9 patches are wonderful - have fun figuring out a finish for them!

  2. High five for surviving another busy school year!! Those last 5 days will go by fast. That baby churn dash quilt is amazing. Wow!

  3. It's a bit maddening when you and Your Guy are out of sync with priorities. Hopefully the last few days of school go quickly and you can get in some rest, relaxation and stitching.

  4. Great job on all those little 9-patches. Here's to wrapping up another quilt and school year soon. Leave the organization up to Kurt -- no point ruining all his fun! Lol!!!

  5. I love the baby nine patch! But do I really need another project? No. Will I probably make a stab at it? Yes.


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