
Saturday, July 27, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - Wrapping up Aqua

It is the last aqua Saturday, and somehow I am just now starting to feel the vibe.  Mostly, I have been busy trying to finish things up before school starts. 

I got the dark blue row finished for the hexie quilt last night before Friday margaritas!  It just needs to get sewn on. When I moved this quilt from the design wall to the floor, it opened up  more real estate on the design wall. 

There are still two partial rows hanging out next to the leader and ender collection of plus blocks. I've got more to add to the pink and purple when the dark blue is complete. No rush here, I have probably been working on this quilt for the better part of a decade. I started trying out some border ideas. Again, no rush here. 

Then I used the newly opened up space to pull out a UFO. These are 5 inch blocks I think. I might mix up the churn dashes with a couple of similar patterns. If I prep some of the cross blocks those would also work great as leaders and enders for next month. 

I am trying to finish more than I start right now knowing that things will get busy when school starts again. I have started some graduate classes, so I am trying to make sure that I have some nice simple projects without deadlines that I can chip away on slowly.  

How is your aquamarine month wrapping up? August will be orange! It is one of the few colors left, so I know that most of you had already guessed that!


  1. Your hexie project is just fabulous! No matter how long it takes, it will be worth it. Good luck with the beginning of the school year, Angela - hard to believe it's that time already!

  2. I thought orange was the color for August (based on the Hen & Chicks blocks.)

  3. Your Hexie project is really coming along and looks fabulous! Hope you can get in lots of stitching time before you have to start prepping for school. It's hard to believe that it's almost August.

  4. Love your hexie project and that churn dash UFO is also a WOW! Your are wise to prep some simple projects so when you have time once school starts you will be able to do some stitching!

  5. Gosh those projects are great - I ( of course) LOVE your Churns and chains!! That's a cool one!! Good luck with school... I feel that's a dreaded word sometimes haha


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