
Thursday, January 9, 2025

Thursday - Sorting Out


I got the nicest text from my next door neighbor yesterday reminding me that she was bringing me some fabric scraps to play with. It looked like a pile of random until I sorted it by color. Now I can see lots of fun possibilities to add to my collection. I will start with pink of course. The beauty of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is that I know each color will get its turn and I don't have to do all of this right now. 

I used a random number generator to choose closet drawer 1 from the 2025 To Do List as my tiny organization project for today. I need a tiny project right now as I adjust to being back at school again. I seem to be hungry and cold all the time! Too much snuggling up under a cozy blanket with tea during the break I suppose. 
When I opened this drawer I had trouble figuring out what was supposed to live there. We got new bedroom furniture not too long ago and went from two dressers to one. That is when we put a couple of extra drawers into the closet. I guess that I never made a decision about what would go where. How else could I end up with a drawer of unmatched socks, slips, swimsuits and bras?  
I robbed some drawer dividers that don't work all that well in the new dresser and decided that this space would be for bras, nighties and silky things. Everything else went somewhere else to be a later problem. Tada. 10 minutes and a nice tidy space to enjoy. My two graduate classes for the new term have started and I have some reading to do for statistics along with a paper to right for standards based instruction. I think I will just enjoy my break for a few more minutes first. I pared down shoes while i was in there, but I think that now I need to add purses to the list. Those are also a mess.  


  1. I thought I saw a doll baby in that messy drawer! Doesn't it give a peaceful feeling when a drawer is organized?!

  2. Fun fabric scraps!! good for you - in 10 minutes that made a huge difference!!! I am starting on the Linen closet - If you don't hear from me by saturday... send in help haha!

  3. I always have good intentions of tyding up drawers and closets too, but it never seems to happen. Guess the answer is like you, tackle one at a time!

  4. It's amazing how doing a little at a time can yield such big benefits. Good luck with your classes this semester.

  5. Organizing is a thing for me now. I am trying to finish some t-shirt quilts and wanted to know if you have, or can recommend, a t-shirt press machine. I have always used fusible interfacing, but would like a more efficient, productive system. Thank you in advance for any thought or suggestions. Donna Weeks (aka Momma Llama)


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