
Saturday, March 1, 2025

ScrapHappy Saturday - Sunny Day

It is a new month and a chance to dig into a fresh color.  I know that blue never seems to end, but I hope that you made a dent. Yellow will be the focus for the month, so I hope that you are feeling bright and sunny!
I got a few rows done on the hand quilting of the hexie diamonds, but there hasn't been much time for sewing this week. 
There were two evening events at school this week, one I had to plan and run. The other one I just showed up and talked. Then Thursday Kurt and I went to a concert in Orlando. On a school night! It was They Might Be Giants, a quirky band that we have been listening to together since college. It was a lot of fun, but also exhausting to get up the next morning. We are getting a bit old to stand in  a mosh pit for hours and hours. Thankfully there will be time this weekend to recharge and refresh. 

Sydney had a busy week as well with a conference and an industry night. She has an internship set up for the summer already, but it is good experience for her to go to events like that to talk to companies and find out what the job opportunities might be after she graduates - hopefully next year. It is a difficult time to be an environmental engineer, but she also does a lot of civil engineering, so that should be more safe right now. 
I think that the most exciting thing I have on the schedule for today is a haircut. I am definitely feeling good about having some quite time with yellow scraps. 
How many yellow scraps do you have to play with this month? 


  1. I'm ready for some sun, and it will be very enjoyable to dig out the yellow scraps this month! Have a great weekend, Angela!

  2. Woohoo for the concert. Yes, I definitely am feeling my age too. Glad you had fun.

  3. Our daughter introduced us to They Might Be Giants when she was in high school. We learned the words to all the songs on the Flood album on a family trip. Good job making time to go to the concert!

  4. The concert sounds like fun. I went to one with Grad Girl and friends back in February. We didn't get home till 1 AM. Thankfully I'm retired and didn't have to get up the next morning for work. Grad Girl is looking for chemist jobs as she'll graduate in August. That field is worse than engineering right now. Hopefully things have turned around by the time Sydney graduates.

  5. your quilting on the hexies is going great - I always tend to do a straight line or diagonal line on them - easiest way and it shows them off

  6. There is a basket in my studio positively overflowing with YELLOW scraps, Angela, and there is a smaller basket, as well. Yep! No shortage of yellow scraps here.

  7. I've got a lot of yellow to play with because yellow is one of my favorite colors -- bright & cheerful! Hope you got that haircut in. I just had mine trimmed Friday -- stepped up to the chair right after Mom's weekly appt. It also makes me feel bright & cheerful and I hope you are too. Those hexies look wonderful. I hope you're fully recharged by Monday morning!

  8. You and your husband are glowing with joy in your concert photo! I’m hoping Sydney finds her niche – even in this current state of things. Thank you for hosting!


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