
Monday, March 30, 2009

Familiar Conversation

Him: That's a pretty bright quilt. What is it for?

Me: It is for being a quilt. What do you think it is for?

Later the same day....

Me: I am finally done with my quilt.

Him: Which done is this? The top done, the back done, the layering done or the real done?

Me: All done

Him: Wow, even the quilting?

Me: Yes, even the quilting.

Him: That's great, what was this one for again?

I just finished putting the binding on Buttons and Bowties. This is my second charity quilt for the Girl Scout project. I used up a bunch of random Hawaiian prints on the back. I'm not sure why, but I thought having a theme would tie it together better. These were gifted from my neighbor who moved away, and she would appreciate having them used in a charity quilt. So that is my March UFO officially done with a full day to spare! Three months and three UFO's finished forever. I'm liking this resolution.
I checked Patchwork Penguin to see what the UFO for April is. It is #4. For me that is the Pineapple in Brights. Yea! I have to admit that I cheated on this one. I didn't have 12 UFO's so I put one NSY (not started yet) on the list. I saved all the extras from my Elm Creek Quilt because I really liked the way they looked together. I had planned a much larger quilt when I started that one. I guess that is part of the fun of 6 inch blocks. Anyway, I loved the pineapple block and wanted to make a whole quilt out of it. I have not done a ton of paper piecing, so this will be good practice. Since this is a new project, I think I'll keep it small. A 6 x 7 setting will fit nicely on the quilt hanger by the front door. That's 42 blocks. Thankfully spring break is next week, maybe I'll have time for some power sewing.


  1. reading your post started with a chuckle (which I SPECIALLY needed after the day I had).....

    and then it turned into a pat-on-the-back to you for accomplishing the "done" status of your quilt.....

    but then.....
    it turned into an "awww crap" when you informed us Nancy (patchwork penguin) already picked April's UFO project....

    Okay.....with the day I've had, it's time to head downstairs and hibernate from everyone; plop in a good background-noise movie, and just sew, sew sew.....

    Happy Tuesday

  2. Another finish!! Good for you, you are getting so much done.
    I have given up showing quilts to my husband. He might grunt or say, hmmm... but that is it. I have to get my encouragement elsewhere.

  3. Thanks for the smile!
    I can relate..."what is that one for"?
    Love the finished quilt!


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