
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Brush Fire

We're watching a brush fire burn right now.  It is across the street, but we are smelling smoke and keeping an eye open. 


  1. Oh my is right. Hope you are safe.

  2. That is no fun at all, I hope the wind dies down and they get it under control quick. Flying embers can start it quickly anywhere. I hope you made sure your yard didn't have "fuel" anywhere for the fire to land.

  3. dont forget to post and tell us when the fire is out safely! It looks a big one. Stay safe

  4. Hi Angela I hope all is well with you and that everyone involved is ok. Let us know how things are when you can.

  5. So scary. I live in Lake County and we have some too, but not near me yet, hopefully that rain they are predicting for next week will help us all, especially those like yourself who are so close. I was thinking this morning what a wonderful service our firefighters provide and how hard they work. I'm sure that it is a hard hard hot job, especially carrying around pounds and pounds of equipment and uniform. Glad they are there for you.

  6. Holy cow! Keep an eye out is right!

  7. Looks too close for comfort for me!!!!! Hope they contain it quickly.

    Quiltingly Yours

  8. Oh, I hope it stays that side of the road and you all keep safe.

  9. That looks dangerously close..hope everyone is o.k. and the fire will be extinguished soon...keep safe!!

  10. As the previous commenter said, that looks dangerously close. I hope they get it all under control before any real harm is done.

  11. Holy buckets! When I read "Brush Fire" as your title, I wasn't expecting THAT picture! I'm guessing that isn't a "planned" fire? That's scary looking!

  12. Oh wow.....I hope it is under control by now.


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