
Monday, June 13, 2011

Done With That One

 Lilac Potpourri is done.  All that remains is the stitch the binding.  Not sure if I will do that by hand or try machine stitching.  The purple and green blocks are mile a minute blocks from the Rainbow scrap challenge.  March was green and April was purple I believe. 
 Still continuing to do my usual summer organization and clean up.  This was the laundry room a couple of days ago.  It took a beating when I cleaned up the study as most of my sewing stuff lives in here when it isn't being used.  The idea is that the study can be a guest bedroom when we have company. 
Everything has found its way back to wherever it is supposed to be and is ready for the next project to come along and mess it all up again.  I forgot I had a new die for the GO that hasn't even been opened.  I'm going to have to give that a try. 
The next two days are training days for school.  We are getting new books next year and they are going to show us all the special features and bells and whistles.  Anna is also going to start her rehearsals for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.  She is pretty excited. 


  1. Congrats on the finish! I sure do wish I could see table/counter tops!

  2. I love the quilt; great border fabrics. Anna will have such fun in the play.

  3. That space now looks so inviting. Something about a big clear up that inspires you to start new projects. Lilac potpourri looks good

  4. Love the green and purples. You have been so busy you'll have those UFO's done in no time.

  5. Beautiful quilt...wish I would have stuck with the scrap happy ...

  6. Very pretty quilt! Love how you combined two months like that. Great idea... since I was busy with the guild quilt show those two months... I still have those colors kicking around. I may swap them in if/when you choose a month when I don't have much of the color.


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