
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

On to What's Next

Since Postage Stamps was all ready to go I thought it made sense to get it loaded onto the frame.  After that it was hard to resist getting a few rows of quilting going.  I am using a khaki colored thread on this one and a very small meander.  Almost a stipple really.  With the one inch squares of fabric showing on top, something very small seemed to fit well. 
Most of today was a textbook workshop.  The most useful part (of course) was chatting with the other teachers.  I got fully caught up on district gossip and found out about all the open positions and who filled which open jobs already (including my old job).  We talked curriculum too of course, they are redoing the AP Biology course next year and so everyone is working slowly toward the new standards. 
The kids LOVED the sitter that we had today and Sydney was very sad that we had to take her home.  Anna had a blast at her rehearsal and feels very grown up pretending to be a professional actor for a few days.  Kurt is worried that Ryan is going to be bored so we went out to Hobby Lobby after dinner so he could pick out a model airplane to work on. 


  1. The border fabric is beautiful!! Pluggin' away and lookin' great :0)

  2. Love that quilt and great choice for quilting and thread. I need to learn to 'think outside the box' with the quilting thread colors.


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