
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Last Green ScrapHappy Saturday

The green month has zoomed by leaving just 5 more days to use up your green scraps.  Hope you are all finding lots of fun projects to keep you busy.  I know I don't have nearly as much green in my finished pile as red from last month, so I hope to change that today.  Use the linky below to share your own scraphappiness. 


  1. I still can't link up but I do have a post this week.

  2. Sorry! Can you delete #5? I forgot to specify the specific post, so I linked up again in #6. Thanks!

  3. Just found out about this and will be taking part - Love this idea, I missed getting the code for the 'Rainbow Challenge 2012' checked around your site, including the Dec. 2011 original post. Is it too late to get it?

  4. I have my greens done, but am rushing out the door right now. Will try to get my linky up on Monday.

  5. Bummer on the month being almost done. I'm trying to finish up a couple of things before I have to make the sewing room into a spare room for company coming next week for a week. Wonder what color we'll have for March?

  6. I have a little mini offering this week - thanks for hosting!

  7. Family are keeping me too busy today to sew ! All good tho' - out having fun eating Chinese lunch etc.

  8. just linked to my green Circle of Geese. Thanks for the focus, I need it to get anything done at the moment with 3 little ones to look after!

  9. Started on 22nd and had twenty-two blocks on 23rd! Ah, the joys of retirement!

  10. I just managed to squeeze something in for the last week, LOL...

  11. Thank you for the Linky Party. I did finish the scrap project, but made an error and did Blue! lol. But, hey, my project also has a lot of green in it as well... so we'll let it count. lol

  12. Finally managed to put some green string patches together - not very exciting, but at least using up bits and pieces. :0) Hoping to get more done next month - February has been way too full of life, lol.

  13. My green bin is still disgustingly full...but it's been a fun month working on it!

  14. Do we have a "March" color? Love this!


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