
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Weekend Wind Down

 I finally found some time to sew today.  The weekend was zooming by and I thought it might slip away without anything accomplished on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  Instead I stole away some time and put together these green log cabin blocks to go with the red from last month.  I wanted to print out some more templates for a few green houses, but my computer is on the brink of death.  I've got a new one, but Kurt is still working on getting all the old files off for me.  I'm still getting used to a new machine and trying to get all of my favorite programs up and working. 
Last night we all went to a performance for Anna.  She was invited to be part of an all county honor chorus with 6th graders from each elementary school.  They chose 8 singers and 4 strings members from each school.  With about 30 schools represented, it was quite an ensemble.  Anna is in the second row from the top, four in from the right side.  See her?  It was a little like "Where's Waldo" when the kids all came at the beginning of the show.


  1. I love those blocks, the greys really set the green off beautifully !

  2. Those log cabin blocks are so cute. They look pretty tiny; are they? I think smaller is much more difficult to work with than larger. My "Wonky Windows" are wonky because of their small size - somehow I can't seem to keep everything straight even though I cut accurately! Ah well, practice makes perfect!

  3. What a fun concert! Love checking in to see your Rainbow Scrap Challenge progress. :o)

  4. Great log cabins. Glad you were able to steal a few minutes this weekend for sewing.

  5. Cute log cabins! You have some wonderful green scraps :)

  6. Really cute log cabin blocks. Congrats to your daughter for being selected for the performance.

  7. Love your log cabin blocks. I am always partial to blocks that are half color and half neutral tones like this.


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