
Monday, March 5, 2012

Design Wall Monday March 5, 2012

I wasn't planning on working on green string blocks this weekend.  I was planning on doing some cleaning and organizing with a goal of emptying out the mixed crumb/string drawer.  I have decorative jars where I keep my crumbs and strings sorted by color now and thought it would be nice to move out the ones that don't fit in my color sorted scheme.  If you had asked me, I would have remembered that there were some green blocks leftover from March of last year.  I used some of them in combination with purple blocks to make Lilac Potpourri, which I absolutely love.  So anyway, it is too late to make a long story short, but there was a big stack of partial green blocks hanging out in the drawer I was trying to empty.  A few short hours later, up went the blocks on to my design wall, waiting for a decision on sashing colors.  Putting crumb blocks together with nothing in between is to difficult from a mashing of seams point of view, so lattice and cornerstones win the day.  I thought brown, but that might be too dark.  Several greens didn't seem to stand out at all, beige is the obvious choice, but I'm tired of beige.  So how about yellow?  Bright, happy, contrasty enough.
The weather is beautiful and the kids are wanting me to come out and play with them before dinner, so off I go.  Good work day today, but there are a few things I should work on this evening, so maybe tomorrow I can make a decision?  After Tiny Tuesday of course. I am still worked ahead on that for a few more weeks, but the next few blocks don't look too bad, maybe I could squeeze a little midget block in there as well.  Time will tell......


  1. Those little crumb blocks are just too cute! And I went back to see your Lilac Potpourri - love it!

  2. I like the bright yellow and the right green. Or be brave and mush/mash them together. Too late to make a long story short--thanks for the giggle.

  3. I'm with Judy...bright green or bright yellow or both!

  4. These look great :) I love your Lilac one too. Have you thought about using lilac or a nice blue for the sashing. However, the yellow and the green look good too :)
    Your pink houses are oh so cute!! Must get to making mine ;) Have a great week!

  5. I think I would go for the yellow too!


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