
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tiny Tuesday - Winged Square

This is Midget Block 53.  It is called Winged Square and it is paper pieced in 8 separate sections for a total of 51 itsy bitsy little pieces. 
The hardest part of this block was trying to get all the little triangles facing in the right directions. The pattern doesn't tell you how the pieces go together, and though I knew it had to work, it took me a while before I puzzled it all together.


  1. Really cute - you did a great job sorting it all out!

  2. It came out great! Love the color choices.

  3. Oh my! What a sweet little block! I remember when I was making Dear Jane and was moving the pieces every which-a-way like puzzle pieces trying to fit them together to make a block. That's a lot of pieces for one little block!!!

  4. 51 itty bitty pieces. Oh my!

  5. This is so cute! I can't imagine all those little pieces!!!!!

  6. Terrific block! How did you handle the seams - press them open?

  7. Can I just say that block isn't such a fun one at 6 inches finished?? GREAT JOB!!!

  8. I'm completely WOWed by all of your tiny tiny blocks that you are working on each week!!! This block was one of the recent blocks for the Farmer's Wife SOW along and I made it and thought to myself, this is as small as it gets! my block finished at 6" which I'm sure would look huge next to yours. Way to go girl! :) Keep on keepin on!

    Love from Indiana, ~bonnie


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