
Monday, September 3, 2012

Design Wall Monday September 3, 2012

 It is a school holiday today and I am overwhelmed with choices!  The Cherry Trees are still on the wall, untouched since last week.  There are a couple of Midgets that need to be sashed to join the collection as well as my test block for Hawaii Sunset still calling to me.  I will not start anything new though, while all these projects are still in progress. 
 Jamestown blocks are done except for a few more string blocks.  Might as well get that done while everything is in chaos. 
 The teal crumbs somehow got waylaid while the blocks were being sewn together.  I need to find the nice little stacks of pinned blocks that got buried in strings. 
I'd like to Get Flamingo Bay and Smith Mountain quilted before they get all wrinkled and need to be ironed again. 


  1. Wow, beautiful works. I love them all.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  2. SO many great choices for the day ahead...ENJOY!

  3. Eenie-Meanie-Meinie-Moe...
    which should I work on before to school I go? YOU have a great decision to make!!!! Can't wait to check back in tonight to see what you accomplished :)

  4. I see you're a Bonnie Hunter fan also! :-) Love the cherry tree top in progress! That's on my LONG to-do list. Yours is turning out wonderfully!

  5. I love coming to your blog and seeing all the scrappy projects. I had to laugh at the scrappy trees because I wanted to do one years ago but never started. I want to do some more crumb piecing and you have inspired me.

  6. I love coming to your blog and seeing all the scrappy projects. I had to laugh at the scrappy trees because I wanted to do one years ago but never started. I want to do some more crumb piecing and you have inspired me.

  7. Great projects, each of them. Have a great time working on whichever one you choose to work on. Isn't it great we get to make these decisions.

  8. I hthink you've got a few hours of this weekend left to get all that done! LOL

  9. Terrific projects. Any of them will be fun to sit down and make some progress on.

  10. Lots of great choices to work on today. It will be fun to check back later tonight and see which one(s) you chose to work on. Enjoy your day off.

  11. You've got some fun choices there!!! I don't know how you are going to choose what to start first! Maybe go with the one that could be finished easiest and then the next easiest, etc.? I think I'm going to pull some fabrics for Hawaiian Sunset today - yippee!!!

  12. Excellent willpower! Dang that Hawaii Sunset block looks great!

  13. Wow, you've got a lot going on in the sewing room. Good luck with whatever you decide to work on today.

  14. Good to hear you have a holiday too. A very good sewing day. I need to work on customer quilts. I see you have a not really a new start. Hawaiian sunset.

  15. Lots of beautiful choices! Hope you smile when the one that's most talkative gets your attention :)

  16. wow what great projects. I've been eyeing Jamestown and want to get started on that but I have 4 quilts waiting to be quilted. Flamingo looks like it's just begging for some attention, that's going to be a beauty when it's done!

  17. Great inspiration here. You've got a lot going on there -- to bad school is back in session. Although give a busy woman something you want done and somehow she gets it all done.


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