
Sunday, September 2, 2012

No Respect

 Anna and I made a trip out to Joann's to use our coupon for the sewing project she is doing for her science teacher and picked up some batting that was on sale.  Red tag fabric was half off as well and I always like to look there for backing options.  Smith Mountain AND Flamingo bay were both stacked neatly and spread on the living room floor where I had relocated it so that Anna could lay out her curtains.  Admittedly, it they were in the traffic flow, but it was a temporary solution.  It isn't too hard to just step around, is it?  So in walks Kurt, straight over my quilts.  I winced a little bit, but let it go, then he came back, rolling the vacuum, and rolled it right over the whole collection!  Really?  A vacuum, and shoes, on my quilt?  So I picked it up and carefully draped it over the chair until the quilt on the frame is done and I can swap it out.  Walking by after loading up the frame, I spied Lizzie, snoring away, on my quilt! 
Needless to say, I'd better get the Christmas quilt done likety split before something dire happens to the other two quilts. 


  1. Oh how funny! Well, not funny really, but you know what I mean. No one else really appreciates how much we put into our quilts, do they? At least the pets know a superior napping spot when they see one!

  2. Tooo funny! Love the photo of Lizzie...she loves her quilts! And they are all hers, aren't they?!? LOL

  3. I know that I would not have suffered the return trip of shoes and vacuum cleaner! Hope they make it to the frame soon.

  4. too funny. that's why i'm always throwing my quilts on the floor for pics, pinning, design lay-out etc. etc. and then picking them up again lickety split!

  5. Oh my............but Lizzie looks very very comfy. :D

  6. I showed DD the photo and told her the title of oyur post. She commented that it might be a sign of great respect!

  7. Okay, this made me laugh.

    BTW, I'm always really happy when you post a lot of entries since I last checked your blog. Gives me a good excuse to stay longer in bed while I read them and laugh (quietly).

    Off to take Kyle to college today. If you pick up your phone this week and hear wailing, it's me!

  8. Lizzie is so cute! When I spread a quilt out in my house, I get 2 big hairy dogs squeezing on LOL


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