
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Slow Stitching Sunday - Superbowl Edition

 Yesterday was full of driving back and forth to the mall for science fair.  I had my handy little bag of handwork available for down time and managed to sew a melon or two on Cheiko's Calla Lilly which is Dear Jane J-10.  The last time is sewed this block, all the points got cut off when I sewed them together, so this time I marked the seam allowance with a blue water soluble pen.  Do you see the little handmade bag?  It was a gift from my blog friend Amanda and it makes me smile whenever I use it.  She has broken her arm recently falling on ice, so I am sure some love and warm wishes from us all would be most welcome.
So here is Anna getting her 4th place ribbon for her science fair project.  She was a little bit disappointed, but has already started to plan improvements for next year.  I try not to be one of THOSE parents when it comes to science fair, but I did try to offer some encouraging advice.  Our school did quite well with prizes and four of the top winners were my students, three from AP Biology and one from my Honors Biology class.  They are all invited to the state science fair as well as international which I think is in Phoenix this year.
The Super Bowl is tonight, and though I do have to keep asking to be reminded who the two teams are, we will still watch as a family.  One of our neighbors has a party each year so we will probably visit with them for a while as well.  Maybe I will get some more handwork done during the game, as the commercials are the fun part for me.  


  1. I will be watching and knitting to see the commercials also.

  2. no superbowl watching here. So we will be working on whatever needs to be done, and/or doing some sewing.

  3. It's too easy to turn into one of "those parents." :)

  4. I continue to remain in awe of your ability to stitch DJ blocks whenever an opportune moment presents itself! Would love to see a blog post on your thoughts/process/tips for getting your blocks prepped ahead of time. Will be watching the Superbowl (or Superb Owl, as one of my friends calls it) as well. Maybe flipping back and forth to the Puppy Bowl.

  5. Not really invested in either team but I enjoy football, so hubby and I will be watching. The commercials definitely make it worthwhile :*)

    Congrats to Anna on her honor! And to your students as well - I'm sure it is rewarding to have them do so well!

  6. Tell your friend to take care. I fell two weeks ago and felt lucky not to break anything. I hit my head and bruised my ribs good. Love the little bag of hand work. I am going to try a prepare some blocks today.

  7. No super bowl here because we don't subscribe to any tv providers. I remember those days of science fairs and glad it is behind me. Lots of work for everyone.

  8. I love that little melon block! Enjoy the game and the stitching!

  9. Congrats on your student wins and kudos to your daughter for her efforts! Your block is looking very good. It definitely looks complicated.:)

  10. Congratulations to Anna, and also to your students!

  11. I didn't watch the game so I didn't see any commercials. Were they any good this year? Every once in a while there is one or two that are great.


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