
Friday, May 10, 2013

Home Stretch

Chaos surrounds, but my own tiny sphere remains comparatively stable.  Just 9 more days in what has been a too eventful school year.  Not everyone will be coming back next fall and the workload for those of us who managed to keep our jobs will be greatly increased.  Similar reorganization are underway at my husbands company as well and he came home yesterday with a different job than he had started the day with.  Big sigh. I guess having a job at all is something to be thankful for when security is escorting people from the building.
 Yesterday was Anna's birthday and she wanted too go out to Olive Garden for dinner.  We saw this car as we walked out and it made me laugh.  My car was not quite as scary as this before it got power washed this weekend, but love bug season is in full swing.  


  1. Glad to hear you are both still employed. I was wondering based on the news stories.
    Love bug season...... Uggg. I need to wash the van today - they started hitting my windshield yesterday.

  2. Wow - scary times! I am glad you both are still employed as well.

  3. Glad you still have a job...such a stressful time we live in...thank goodness we have sewing and quilting to keep us sane!

  4. Whew! Absolutely something to be thankful for.

  5. Scary times indeed! My husband and I faced the same issues some years ago and decided to take a transfer to Nashville - away from all of our children and grandchildren, but at least we had jobs. And today he does a job that he really doesn't care for, but it's better than no job at all. So glad you are both still employed!!! And I had to laugh at your car - mine is getting a good wash today!

  6. Hope that you will find some peace of mind as the school year comes to a close and you can enjoy more sewing therapy!

  7. So sorry to hear about the employment woes. Hope everything works out for you.

    I dread this love bug time of year. Blech. My car wasn't quite as bad as this one, but I took a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to it and it was amazingly easy to get those dead carcasses off my pretty burgundy Maxima. Of course, tomorrow I'm heading over to Orlando, so when I return, my car might just look like this one. LOL! :o)

  8. TicToc already?!?
    Actually, just yesterday, I counted up the days too and was surprised at how close we too are to the end of the school year.
    I'm not sure if I'm relieved to hear about the turmoil at your school or not; I think those of us (teachers) in Wisconsin feel like we're alone in what seems like this ever-worsening world of education :\ I simply can't imagine doing much of anything else though---I enjoy the kids too much, and THAT is what matters!
    Enjoy your final days as you transition through the end-of-the-year tasks!

  9. Great news that DH still has a job of some sort.
    These days we are all thankful for any job!

  10. Congrats on keeping your job and happy news that your husband still has his. It is amazing how jobs are becoming a precious commodity. I hope that next years' teaching is not too stressful with the extra load.

  11. Security escort time is very scary. Glad you both still have your positions.

  12. Happy birthday Anna.

    Glad to hear that both of you have retained jobs -- it sounds very scary! Australia is, fortunately, in a period of low unemployment but job security barely exists!

  13. Glad your both still employed. Seems to be the thing lately. Cut the workforce in half, and still do everything. Newsflash it doesn't work out. I am praying for winning numbers this weekend, big time!!!I have only seen ONE pair of love bugs since May of last year. Only ONE pair. I don't miss them either.


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