
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Flimsy Number Four

I tried to shift gears into quilting today, but it didn't quite happen yet.  Soon though.  First, I got the blocks put together for the green Crossroads Quilt.  I'm thinking of a border with 4.5 inch squares of green.  I almost have enough from the block drawer to make it happen.  Then maybe a solid border for size. I've got a lot of greens in my stash, so I'm sure something will work.
This quilt would look great with two complementary colors forming intersecting roads across the quilt.  Maybe next time.  Anna just finished making hummus and the house smells delicious.  Sydney is upstairs with a friend painting fingernails and Kurt is just back from a trip to the hardware store.  That just leaves Ryan, he had a friend over to play and has disappeared for some quiet time I think.  


  1. AMAZING!!!
    A relaxing schedule is so awesome, don't you think? :D

  2. Sounds like a quiet Sunday. Your Crossroads Quilt is looking great.

  3. Sounds like a lovely Sunday happening at your house :*) Your green Crossroads is going to be such a lovely spring quilt!

  4. Wow - you are really on a roll with finishing up some quilt tops this week. Great job.

  5. I love the colours, green and white seem to work so well together.

  6. I love it! All those shades of green make me think of Wisconsin!

  7. Now that was quick and it looks great too! You are definitely putting your summer holiday time to good use!!


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