
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Winning the Battle of the Bs

Look at my freshly made back for Sand and Sea!  Only took most of the day, but look at how crisp and modern it looks.  Not my usual style at all, but I think I like it.  There was just one small "oops" moment when I realized that I had cut the second blue band in half the wrong way, but I found a somewhat similar shade to add in and make the row long enough.
So now the big decision becomes, should I load this guy up on the frame and get it quilted, or keep working on another set of borders and backings?  I'm leaning to the second as the house is already a big mess of fabric.  If I finish off one more quilt then I can do a clean up before changing gears.  So, deep breath, little happy dance and back to work I go.

Just a few minutes later........
 The last back went together likely split.  Fortunately I had enough of one fabric to make it work.
Borders are on as well, don't you just love it when they fit perfectly with no stretching and easing?  That never happens for me.  
So now there are three finished quilts with backs draped nicely over a chair and waiting for a bit of clean up and frame assembly.  YEAH!


  1. Very cool back. Good luck on whipping up one more "B".

  2. I've been having fun reading your posts on your Rainbow Challenge. It looks so fun and I like your idea for Trip Around the World. I think it would be spectacular. I've linked you to my blog reader so I can follow your progress. Cheers!

  3. So glad to hear I'm not the only person with quilt tops draped over a chair.

  4. While full backs are lovely, I think pieced backs are the most fun!

  5. Way to go!! Looking forward to seeing them quilted.

  6. YEAH is right, girl!
    I'm thinking we need to have an incentive for each other.... something like..... The person who quilts off the most flimsies by the end of the month should gift the other some fabric, or gift certificate, etc. I have SO MANY FLIMSIES that I want to add to the finished pile!!! I, too, have plenty ready to go, but just as many waiting for backing to be made. LOL.

    Great progress!

  7. Cool strip backing. Very modern! Like two quilts in one. Now three quilts ready to finish up! You are working through your ufo's


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