
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Superbowl Slow Stitching

After reading Kathy's post this morning about taking care of our hands, I was snipping some crumb blocks apart at the ironing board and snipped right into the tip of my finger.  Thankfully it was my left hand, so I will still be able to spend the Superbowl stitching away on these reverse applique photo blocks.  I got them all packaged up to take to Matchcounts yesterday, but got caught up doing the math instead.  I did pretty well too, except for a problem with factorials and fractions that had me puzzled.  Ryan explained it to me on the way home though, so the mystery was solved.  I hope you are all finding a way to slow down this Sunday before starting all over again tomorrow.  


  1. Ouch! You need The Gypsy Cutting Gizmo.

  2. LOL, does tomorrow have to come? I would much rather be slow stitching all day tomorrow!

  3. A cut finger happens so quickly when we are cutting our scraps. Maybe we focus on the fabric and not the tools. Keep it bandaged so it can heal quickly. I have math issues also. Glad you have a helper in that regard.

  4. Oh dear.... take good care of yourself or you might not be able to do your slow stitching!

  5. Glad it wasn't enough of a snip to keep you from stitching.

    By the way big congratulations to Ryan on getting to go to the next level of Math Counts competition.


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