
Monday, February 3, 2014

Design Wall Monday

It is an unexpected three day weekend due to the flu.  Kurt was SO sick all weekend, I was honestly looking forward to leaving him home and escaping to work.  First thing this morning though, Sydney started hacking and was feverish and headachy.  I didn't think Kurt could keep track of her in his current state, so I went in to school to get things set up for a sub.  It was a movie day today as it turned out, so it will be an easy day for the sub.  Sydney is having some soup now and Kurt is comatose on the couch.  I will head off for a few minutes of work on the anniversary quilt.  I got a few more photo blocks appliquéd during the Superbowl last night, but I think I will need a few more light colored blocks and then some more of the brown from the outer border.  It will be a treat to be able to visit Judy's Design Wall Monday.  I'm usually off at work and too busy to remember.  


  1. Wow - so sorry that crud is going through your house! Sending prayers for all to get well soon!

  2. I hope the sickies stop at two at you... take care!

  3. Good thing you will have some quilting projects to work at while you are nursing today. Hope they recover quickly and that you stay well.

  4. Are those yellow crumb blocks? Very cute in your MIL's quilt. Hope Kurt is feeling better today.

  5. the flu is here too, always in time for the superbowl!! Love your blocks and hope all in you home are well very soon!!! Great job on the blocks.

  6. the flu is here too, always in time for the superbowl!! Love your blocks and hope all in you home are well very soon!!! Great job on the blocks.

  7. The flu is no fun...glad you get to make the most of it though!

  8. Hope Sydney doesn't have the flu too. Hope you were able to enjoy some of the day stitching in between your nursing duties.

  9. Fingers crossed that it doesn't run through the rest of the family.

  10. It sounds like it has hit so many households. I wish a speedy recovery to all.

  11. Hope everyone is up and about soon. Don't you catch it! :o)

  12. Ugg. You've had no fun lately. I hope everyone is feeling better this morning.

  13. I sure hope everyone is on the mend....


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