
Sunday, March 9, 2014


This anniversary quilt has  been haunting me for a while now.  I finally got all the blocks sewn together into a top.  Now I'll do a nice press to get it all to lie flat and add a wide simple border to tame all the bias.  Several of the blocks got scrambled while it was in the layout stage, but I am moving on and getting it done.  Just one more T-shirt quilt on the "need to do" list and then I can sew without quilt guilt again.
Yesterday was full of driving.  Lacrosse, play practice and an afternoon meeting with teachers took up most of my day.  Kurt was busy with Odyssey of the Mind though which left me with a bit of sewing time in the evening.  The teacher meeting was exciting though, we are finishing up an application for a program to bring rainforest ecology lessons back to our classrooms.  If we win, we'll all be headed to Costa Rica for two weeks this summer.  For today though, there is nothing on the schedule and I am going to enjoy every single minute!


  1. Congrats on getting the anniversary quilt finished! It looks fabulous! There really is nothing better than getting one of those "must get done" projects finished. Enjoy your day of freedom today.

  2. The anniversary quilt looks great! I know you are happy to have it almost complete. Good luck with the rainforest ecology application!

  3. Yes.. enjoy every minute of relaxation and stitching.
    It will be good to get the obligation sewing out of the way :) It looks great!

  4. I am happy for you that you are nearly finished this quilt. It looks great and it will certainly be appreciated and that will make it all so worthwhile!

  5. :D
    Again, our twin-ness comes to the forefront.
    and some QuiltGuilt ...
    lol. here too.

    The top is a great looking finish; such lovely fabric combinations!

    [[you aren't counting down yet, are you??]] ;)

  6. WooHoo! Almost done. I think you should squeeze in some fun sewing in between the two deadline quilts. Hope you had a relaxing day today.

  7. Sounds like another busy weekend. Good luck with your rain forest project, that would be really fun.


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