
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Slowpoke Sunday

 I've been slowly putting the Dear Jane blocks together.  My sister is coming to visit in two weeks and she will want to sleep in the guest bedroom.  I think there are still three center blocks to be made, but I'm finally done working for the rest of the summer and should have a bit of time I hope.  Putting the blocks together means a lot of time stopping to admire each block while checking and double checking to make sure everything ends up in the right spot.  I've decided to first sew everything together in nine large chunks.  I should have fewer giant long seams to worry about that way.  So far two of the nine chunks are assembled and pressed nicely waiting for the others.
The evenings have been pleasantly passed slow stitching on these poinsettia applique blocks.  We've almost finished the Harry Potter series, so that is a lot of stitching time.  If you are in a slowpoke stitching mood today, be sure to head over the Kathy's Quilts to visit other hand workers.  


  1. Such a beautiful Dear Jane. You did it rainbow style! Love it. What a gracious guest bed covering. (Always the best for the guest.)

  2. Great idea to sew that quilt in chunks... I might borrow that idea one of these days!
    Love the poinsettia block... so pretty!

  3. A lovely Dear Jane!! And pretty poinsetta.

  4. This will be a beautiful and colorful Dear Jane. Looking forward to seeing your quilt ... :) Pat

  5. This is coming along splendidly! So love that rainbow of colors and those tiny blocks!

  6. Great progress on your DJ quilt! I think that is a good idea sewing it in 'chunks'. Very pretty poinsettia applique!

  7. Good idea with the 9 block chunks. The poinsettia is lovely. I think when hubby asks what I want to watch tonight I tell him Harry Potter!

  8. Dear Jane is looking great!

  9. Se Você tem problemas de saúde e para Você, no domingo não pode fazer com a sua segunda metade amor, tome isso vai ajudá-lo. Qual o interesse de costura ou de confecção de malhas da casa de penas-o mesmo pode e o que comprar, e a saúde não pode comprar


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