
Friday, June 26, 2015


The shirts for Miranda's quilt are all stabilized and trimmed.  It took about 8 hours for that part.  Definitely the slow and tedious part of making t-shirt quilts.  The bottom and top rows have large designs and shirts with the front and back combined.  Both of those are trimmed to 18 inches in height.  Then their are three smaller rows which are 8, 10 and 14 inches.  I tried to cut the shirts as small as possible while still keeping all the designs.  Now I'll need to get some color decisions and I'll be ready to sew the top together.
The kids are all off at camp and Kurt has the day off.  He got back from a trade show late last night after being diverted to another airport for weather delays.  The kids were all happy that he brought back goodies.  There were these sunglasses with flashing lights as well as some water bottles and t-shirts.  I think we will go out to lunch together, what a treat.  


  1. I am working on a t-shirt quilt also. I am going to do what I call a mosaic style where I just improv piece the shirts like mosaic tile. It can take a bit longer than sashing, but I don't have to worry about the size of the shirt sections. I will look forward to see your progress!

  2. Enjoy an adult only lunch date! Those are so nice to have once in a while.

  3. I'm intrigued by your choice to combine front and back of some sorts to make 2 rows of tall blocks. Interesting design decision I may have to try that on the next T-quilt that I make!


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