
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Summer Slendor

 I'm still waiting for it to feel like summer.  I am waiting anxiously for a few lazy home days to sew and putter around the house.  I was at work three days this week doing organizing for the homeroom curriculum.  They were only half days, but the girls are in camp this week, so by the time I dropped them off and went to school, there wasn't much time before going to get them again.  Today was a home day though, so I started stabilizing the shirts for Miranda's T-Shirt Quilt.  The blocks are about half done, but I'm out of stabilizer.  I thought I had plenty, so I'm wondering if it is hiding somewhere?  I'll have to go and dig a bit more after dinner.  There is a lasagna in the oven that should be ready any minute now.
On the way home from the morning drop off today, I spotted this family of Sandhill Cranes.  So sweet!  Tomorrow is the last day of drama camp, so the evening will be the performance of Annie Junior.  Sydney is one of the orphans, Anna has been volunteering as an assistant and Ryan will run a follow spot for the technical crew.  The weekend looks wide open though.  Anna has started painting her room, so finishing that up will be first on the list.  Hopefully sewing will get to be second though.  


  1. Such a busy start to the summer. I'm with you though, summer like temperatures can arrive anytime now!

  2. I think it takes a bit of time to settle into summer mode-you are getting there! Enjoy the play.

  3. Wow! It amazes me how busy you are, yet you still find time to quilt. Hope things slow down a bit and you can enjoy the summer before it's over. :o)

  4. Shirts are coming along nicely. Hooray! for progress.

  5. Shirts are coming along nicely. Hooray! for progress.

  6. Shirts are coming along nicely. Hooray! for progress.

  7. Sounds like you may have finally gotten a bit of time to stitch.


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