
Saturday, October 3, 2015

ScrapHappy Saturday -- Now in Shades of Chocolate

 As the year starts to think about winding down, I am assessing the state of my ongoing projects.  I don't want to rush them to be done before their times, but I do want to work a finish in from time to time.  Every long term project can't go on indefinitely.  I think the tiny nines are within reach soon.  Browns are strangely lacking though, so that will go on the list for this month.  
 Firs up though.  I think I need to tidy up a bit.  How does this happen.
A project box here, some fabric pulled there.  Before you know it, there isn't any room to work anymore.  I guess putting some things away will be first on the list.
What is on your list for this brown Saturday?  Misterlinky is below.  Please share your RSC projects, and take a few minutes to visit the other scrap challenge sewers.


  1. Oh My. Your sewing room is way neater than mine LOL. Saturday is done and dusted here, and we are fast sliding into Sunday. What I did get up to today were some Cross Roads blocks.

  2. Oh gee--this looks like my space--between pulling out my box of chocolates (hahaha--why does every color remind me of some kind of food???) and doing my oranges (so tang-ey!!) I have stuff everywhere....hugs, Julierose

  3. I need to press a newly stitched quilt back, take photos for a couple of recent finishes, and then pull out the brown crumb and resource boxes. Thankfully, I spent part of yesterday sorting and putting away scrappy off cuts and leftovers - only took about 30 minutes, so I'm not sure why I had procrastinated so long! Love that chocolate background color on the blog (hot cocoa . . . yum )

  4. Are you supposed to put things away????
    I like the brown tiny nines you do have made already. Good luck on more.

  5. Quilty Saturday: my friend Irene and I are going to pick up fabric offered to our guild by a man who's cleaning out his later mother's stuff. (She left sewing machines, too.) Then we're going to a quilt show. I hope my blog post with the brown block shows up....

  6. I have tied my sewing room, only because I had too many projects out and it was getting impossible to work! Now I have the urge to go and buy some chocolate - I can't think why?

  7. It happens so easily that stuff gets piled up and there is no room to actually work!
    I would rather sew than tidy, so I procrastinate way too much!

  8. LOL - same here, Angela. I have to clean up before I can have fun.

  9. love your blocks and the chocolate

  10. Your Nine Patch blocks look great, they will make a fantastic quilt!

  11. It's amazing how quickly the sewing room can get cluttered.

  12. Lovely selection of tiny nines in brown! I have been busy
    trying to tidy my little studio and I'm quite happy with progress,
    I achieve more if my work space is pretty tidy.


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