
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Slow Stitching and Fast Stitching

I spent yesterday morning loading OMG onto the quilting frame.  This quilt was the ultimate scrap buster.  I'm not sure how many 1 inch strips I used in all of those tiny nine patches, but it was a lot!
First I had to extend the frame and clear everything off.  Pinning the quilt to the leaders and getting it all ready to go took most of the morning.  I got the thread picked -  light pink -- and had just finished sewing through the first bobbin.  
 Somehow, in the time that it took to load a new bobbin, I managed to loose the bobbin case.  I looked everywhere!  Hours later, everything had been cleaned and organized and searched.  The lost bobbin case was nowhere to be found.  So strange!  Stuck in the middle of a quilt, I finally gave up and went online to order a new case.
After dinner I went back again and started dumping things out.  Eventually, the bobbin case turned up.  Hiding inside a spool of thread.  What are the odds?

So OMG didn't get finished yesterday as planned, but more fast stitching will happen today for sure.
 After a few hours of fast stitching, I will definitely feel the need to settle down with some more slow stitching.  I finished all the prep work on my 366 circles last Sunday.  There are just enough circles sitting on the ironing board to finish off the quilt.  Now all that I need to do is to finish a tiny bit of hand stitching.  I'm linking up with Slow Stitching Sunday and Oh Scrap today.  So I guess a little blog hopping will happen before it is time to get back to stitching.


  1. Wow! "What are the odds" is right! Glad you found it. I just drive me nuts when I can't find something I had just a few seconds ago. I can't think of nothing else but to find that item. Can't wait to see your OMG quilt all done. Oh! The suspense !!! ;^)

  2. Little things sure do hide in the strangest places! OMGosh is beautiful and I like seeing all your circles in the background.

  3. That is hilarious! I've 'misplaced' things just like that before...eventually they do show up!

  4. Oh I just hate it when that happens! Looking for things that hide is such a waste of time!!
    Enjoy some relaxing slow stitching today!

  5. LOL... inside a cone of thread?! That's pretty amazing!! Glad you found your bobbin case. Even if it WAS after ordering a new one!

  6. Another great quilt in the finishing stash, and it looks huge.

  7. Can't wait to see your finished OMG! It's hard to wrap my head around the idea of completing the quilting in a day (or two) - that must feel amazing!

  8. Too bad your quilting didn't go as planned. When I lose items in silly places I usually don't find them for weeks. That is why I keep spares. Your quilt looks so pretty on your frame. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  9. I think that quilt will be worth the wait - it is just so gorgeous with all those little pieces and full of rainbow goodness! So sorry you had that frustration yesterday, though. Enjoy both kinds of stitching today!

  10. Looking terrific! I can't imagine how many hours it took to make all those tiny blocks, but they are definitely cute. Don't you hate losing something you JUST HAD IN YOUR HAND. I can relate, too funny.

  11. I hate it when I lose something that I know I just had and that has to be somewhere close. I'm glad you found it. It knew just where to hide.

  12. I have that pattern too! It's a challenge that's for sure! You made me realize I should get a spare bobbin case for my machine.

  13. I guess you almost have to have an omgosh, where's my bobbin case moment, when you are quilting OMGosh! That would have driven me bonkers! Can't wait to see this beauty quilted!

  14. Hi! Those odd things happen so often! This quilt looks fantastic! x Teje

  15. I have come to the conclusion that the easiest way to find something is to buy a new one. I have duplicates of many things. OMG is gorgeous!!

  16. I feel your pain, but that was so funny. I think we all can relate to that. Glad you found it.

  17. Now that you have it found, we can laugh! How frustrating a hunt!

  18. Your quilt is very pretty. That was a shame about your bobbin. Oh my!

  19. It's always where you least expect it. Who'd have thought to look inside a spool of thread. Hope you find time to finish up the gorgeous quilt.

  20. Oh, I know how it feels! And the lost item always ends up somewhere goofy that you never would have thought of...
    Looks like we've all been there!
    Looking forward to seeing the quilt!

  21. Well that's just crazy!!! Have to say things like that happen to me all the time though and it makes me nuts. So glad you found it!!! Your OMG is going to be so gorgeous - and congrats on getting your circles ready for the finish line!

  22. what a wonderful quilt you are quilting. So easy to mislay things but can be so hard to find them again! I lost my ironing board pad thursday and still cannot find it and that is massive compared to your bobbin case

  23. That is such a fun quilt. How absolutely frustrating to loose the bobbin case. Glad you found it. Hope you were able to get in some stitching today, of both the machine and hand varieties.

  24. When I start quilting I just want to work on it and have fun getting it finished and I am sure you feel the same way. How annoying that your bobbin case pulled a disappearing act - that must have been a real head scratcher! In any case, I am glad you found your bobbin case and honestly it doesn't hurt to have a spare.


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