
Sunday, September 2, 2018

Upkeep on Sunday

Hurray for three day weekends!   It is already Sunday and I would usually be worried already about catching up on school work.  Instead I spent the morning sewing this quilt top together.  The postage stamp stars were put together over time as part of the rainbow scrap challenge.  I have several quilts worth.  I think a nice wide border will finish this off and then some loop de loops for quilting. 
I'm blocked out of the sewing room for a bit as Kurt is trying to fix a window.  It is supposed to move up and down on some sort of spring, and one day when I went to open it up, the spring just popped right out.  He has his engineers problem solving face on right now as he is researching window repair options. 
While I wait for that to get all fixed up, I think that I will work on some maintenance of my own.  My poor blog has been sadly neglected lately as the school year has steam rolled right over me.  Just when you think all the balls are flying along in the air, one of them will drop and demand attention again.  Somehow I haven't been getting any e-mail notifications on comments, and the tabs are all out of date. 
That will leave tomorrow open for school work.  We had quite a time with textbooks last year due to funding cuts and my AP Biology class did not make the list.  We made due with cast offs from dual enrollment as they get new books whenever they are available.  So this summer I switched everything over and made support materials to go with the "new to us" books.  Then last week I got notice that funding had become available and we will get new books after all.  So now I'm back to the drawing board and need to shift again to get everything correlated with the newer books that should come in soon.  Good news of course to be getting new books, just a bit more work to make it all line up.  Hopefully a nice long holiday Monday will let me make a big dent.  


  1. There is a fix for the no comments on the blog. Email me, and I'll send it to you. Sorry about the extra work for school.

  2. The no email of the comments - in the settings, remove your e-mail, save then put it back and they should start coming in again. Good luck with the prepping for school. Great quilt. I really should get out of my recliner and go cut the star parts for my 16 patch blocks..... maybe when I get a few more blocks hand quilted.

  3. I love these stars! Such a fantastic rainbow impact from a really fun block. I may keep this one in mind for a future year. I also love your setting squares by color--lovely detail!

  4. Wow! You’re always amazing for keeping up with things. I can’t imagine adjusting curriculum twice to get ready!

  5. Beautiful! Love that light Gray sashing.

  6. That’s a gorgeous quilt. I love the gray sashing and the cornerstones that match the blocks! Hopefully you’ll get the lion’s share of your homework done and the window fixed. Have a great holiday!

  7. I've been doing both 16 patch and crumb blocks for RSC and this is one of the possibilities I had for finishing them up when I have enough. Still a ways to go. Bummer about having to redo curriculum, but good news about new texts. I wouldn't want to be a teacher these days. You have my admiration and undying graditude for what ou do.

  8. This is such a pretty top—I really like how you varied the colors in the cornerstones, too. I will be watching for how you clean up your blog, as mine is long overdo for some reorganization, and I don’t really know how to do it I have real admiration for you being flexible and positive about the change in books (which is a good thing). But really, in what other profession would one be expected to make such a change on such short notice? Teachers need so much more respect than they get these days!!

  9. I was wondering when you'd get around to updating the RSC18 tab!! All the colors have been confusing those who were trying to figure out which one comes next. :P

  10. The postage stamp stars turned out beautifully. Hopefully you were able to get a bit more time in the sewing room before heading back to the classroom on Tuesday.


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