
Monday, May 25, 2020

Partial to Pink

 I finished the pink block from Leap Year during family movie time last night.  Actually the kids all joined in for long enough to have pizza and then I watched a movie while quilting the my husband worked on his laptop.  Not exactly high quality family time, but we have all had a lot of togetherness lately. 
 Green felt finished, and so I pulled out the pinks for next month.  It isn't so much cheating as it is working ahead.  It is cold and rainy outside, so I though some new scraps might brighten things up inside.  Is anyone else feeling ready to move on?  June is going to be pink -- just in case you are as desperate as me to move on to what is next. 
I was going to do string blocks first, but it appears that I already had enough of pink.  I think I'll warm up the iron and get ready to organize.  


  1. I like the simple one colorway designs. This one is delightful!

  2. I was wondering if pink was next when you showed you moved onto the pink circles. Enjoy playing with pink. I need to finish up with some dark green before I move onto pink.

  3. Based on the comments I read all month, everybody is ready to move on from dark green.💗💗💗

  4. PINK?!?! Thanks for the early color announcement, Angela. I am SEW ready for a warm color!

  5. I love pink, thanks so much for the early colour confirmation.

  6. Your quilting looks marvellous in the pink blocks! Great job!
    Pink is my favourite!

  7. Moving on sounds great to me


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