
Saturday, February 5, 2022

ScrapHappy Saturday -


What a long strange week it has been! It was all wrapped up yesterday with a phone call at school that left us all standing outside in a field for an hour and a half while bomb sniffing dogs searched the campus. On the positive side though, it is a three day weekend for no particular reason.  I plan to take full advantage of the extra day by setting up the quilting machine and trying to finish up some of my completed flimsies.  Because the frame does not stay set up in the new house, I tend to quilt in spurts and there is quite a backlog of projects from which to choose.  I did get a start on the teal and aqua scrap collection.  It looks like chaos, but really there are lots of pieces ready to go in all of the sizes that I need for my projects this year.   


  1. Oh my - that is a scary way to end the week. You definitely need to "decompress" with some quilting.

  2. Beautiful aqua / teal scraps to have fun with during February. Have fun!

  3. Chaos? Your photo looks like a whole lot of happy to me, Angela!! Enjoy your long weekend. You deserve it after the week you had!

  4. If it's not thing one, it's another, right?! Glad you've got a 3 day weekend to spend some time doing whatever you want. Have fun quilting!

  5. This was a hard week for sure. I'm so sorry about the threats. Some people think it's funny, but I'm glad you didn't have a real emergency. Have a peaceful, relaxing weekend. Good luck with the quilting!

  6. what is with the bomb threats - here in Arkansas 3 black colleges had bomb threats this week

  7. Oh, my! I remember evacuating my class for a bomb threat when I was a student teacher. I had no idea what to do!

    I hope you enjoy a productive, restful, and healthy break.

  8. Love how your scrap users system is so neat and organized. The photo you took is gorgeous in teals. I had some of those fabrics. Many got used in a big teal project last year. Time to collect more.

    Oh man, standing out in a field due to a bomb threat... Have to be safe though. Happy long weekend to you! Can't wait to see what comes off the quilter.

  9. Love the organized chaos with your aqua scraps!

  10. Ummm No thank you ... did you hang up on that caller - tell him ( her) this was not what your school needed?? Sheesh...
    Glad you got to find some Teal
    and YAY for setting up the quilting machine!! go you!!!

  11. Great teal scraps! Congrats on having a 3 day weekend, and good luck with the quilting.

  12. Thank you for the scrappy inspiration! I've added my link.

  13. Lots of beautiful teal/turquoise scraps in your pile, ready to be made into something fun!

  14. I'm sorry about the bomb scare-such a miserable situation!
    have fun with the scraps this month!


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