
Sunday, February 6, 2022

Scrappy Happy Sunday

I set up the quilting frame yesterday, which took most of the morning.   When Sydney is off to college in the fall it can live in her room on a permanent basis, but until then it gets temporary real estate in the family room as needed.  With a long weekend to enjoy and another one coming up for President's day, I should be able to finish a few quilts.   I chose this one because it had backing and binding ready to go.  If I can get the top trimmed and machine stitching done on that then I will have something to do during family time for pizza night.  I suspect we will watch some Olympics together.  
Next, I pulled everything out of the closet to decide which is next.  There are only 4 with fabric for backings together with the finished flimsy.  I guess I will have to keep my eyes open for more backing fabrics!  I've been burning through stash much faster than I have acquired new fabric during COVID, so I don't feel bad about a little shopping.   

So instead of grabbing something ready to go, I started puzzling together 10.5" squares to make pieced backings for two more quilts.  These are solids to use as the backing for #FullStop.  I would like to get this one finished up to bring to a faculty and staff art show that we are having at school.   I'll have to play with the color placement and do a bit of pressing, but I was able to find enough solid scraps to cover the quilt.   
Then I started working on this random collection of floral prints that I had set aside for Garden Trellis.  It is a really ugly collection so far, but I will see what I can do to make it more cohesive.   I was thinking of adding a border or two to this quilt as it is set on the diagonal with bias edges.   
For now though, the sewing space needs a bit of organization. It looks like a fabric bomb exploded in there will all the digging for fabric and quilt frame pieces.   Happy Sunday! I hope you are all up to something scrappy as well.  I am linking to Oh Scrap.   


  1. Gosh, I so admire your perseverance! Moving your sewing space is a task not for the faint of heart! Covid and the resulting change in lifestyle, left many of us making adjustments! I’m excited to see Full Stop completed! I need the inspiration! Enjoy your long weekends!

  2. What a load of beautiful flimsies! Such a gorgeous picture. Have fun quilting the one and making time for binding-sewing!

  3. That is a fabulous pile of tops that are done.

    I am doing a backing inventory of quilts I want to finish this year - batting too. It is nice to have it ready for when I need it.

  4. I'm so glad you've had a chance to get out the quilting frame and work on some finishes. Your pieced backing out of solids looks perfect for Full Stop!

  5. Nice work, Angela!! I'm happy to report that I did a bit of AQUA sewing today. Details to come... :o))

  6. That's a lovely quilt you have on your long arm. I am mesmerized by all the tops completed. Wowser! I can't see all the tops but just looking at all the hangers makes me realize that my to-be-quilted collection isn't so big after all. Enjoy the long weekend. ;^)

  7. Getting to the quilting stage means one is just that much closer to a finish! I'm glad you have a few three day weekends to work on your projects. I hope you get rejuvenated!

  8. Looks like you'll have some finished in the near future. I always puzzle over backings -- generally I have to buy something so I have a back. Great to see you making some backings from fabric you have on hand.

  9. Wow, that's a lot of quilts waiting in the queue! Good idea to use those squares for backings. I'll bet it feels good to use them up. Looking forward to your finishes!

  10. It's always so fun to get to the binding stage! Enjoy the sticthing and olympics!

  11. I know the feeling of a sewing room fabric explosion. I try to organize a little better each time it gets that way. It’s a life long process. I enjoy seeing your scrappy quilts. I have a few backs to piece together myself. Have fun!

  12. Wonderful scrappy quilts! I like to piece backs too!

  13. Great, love it when someone else behaves like me! Pulling all the quilts out to make decisions is what I do too! I do have 2 goals for the month but of course they change almost as often as the weather! A former coworker is retiring so I need to decide on a quilt for her! So many decisions to make!
    Have fun planning ! Stay safe and sew on !


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