
Saturday, February 11, 2023

ScrapHappy Saturday Pink Play Day

Not a lot of change on the wall since last week.  I didn't expect to get much done this week.  If you look closely, there is one tiny new pink block.  
I was in Ft. Lauderdale on a college visit for three days, came back to piles of work and had a college fair on Thursday night.   Hopefully I can make up for the lack of progress today though as everything looks wide open.  I am working on a civics literacy class for teachers, but there should still be plenty of time to dig into more pink scraps.   Kurt was also traveling this week, so it is good to both be home again together at last.   
Looking forward to seeing lots of great pink blocks, misterlinky is below, please share your progress with us. 



  1. just happened to be quilting the pink blocks on one of last years RSC quilts this week

  2. Even just getting to sew one tiny pink block can be a good feeling! Enjoy your at-home weekend!

  3. Best of luck on sewing through some more PINK scraps this weekend, Angela!!

  4. There are weeks like this but one more block is also a progress,
    Have fun with your pink scraps.

  5. Welcome back to your "nest", Angela! Thank you for hosting us again this week in spite of your very busy schedule!

  6. Hope you were able to play with scraps yesterday. If not, hopefully that can be your plan for today.

  7. Hope you had a good visit. My pinks photo wouldn’t load so you get to see my greens. 😉


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