
Saturday, February 18, 2023

ScrapHappy Saturday - Slowly on Pink

 I did sorting and organizing of pink scraps last weekend, but not a lot of sewing.  I was caught up with my civics class for Florida teachers instead which is worth $3,000 in my paycheck.   I must catch up on blocks today though, so the actual and true thoughts of the founding fathers will be on hold for a bit.   Teaching in Florida continues to be spicy, as apparently all of us teachers are busy indoctrinating children, making them gay and tricking them into reading pornography.  Who knew that schools would be the new political battleground?  Never would have guessed that.   
How are your pink coming along?  Mr. Linky is below, please share with us all. 


  1. Your governor and mine (SD) obviously have drank the same Kool-Aid. Makes me so glad I retired last spring.

    On a happier note - you have some very pretty pinks all organized and ready to play with this week.

  2. I am so sorry that you have the political stuff to deal with, along with all of the actual work. Thank goodness for weekends! Hope you get some fabric therapy this weekend!

  3. I am so very sorry for the politics in your state thinking they know teaching better than teachers. I live in a very conservative state and I worry that is about to happen here. Haters gotta hate. This generation are their victims.

    Thank you for teaching!!!!

  4. Ah, politics. It would be nice if you could get back to the important stuff.

  5. my daughter is a children's librarian for the county - they have been dealing with all sorts of crap now too and even getting phone calls for so called "concerned citizens" that aren't even from our state - our governor did drink the kool aide too I fear

  6. Well, I am not sure what is going on there, but help you got some stress free sewing hours. Have a nice weekend.

  7. Lots of pretty pink! Have a relaxing weekend!

  8. Hopefully the conservative extremists will be brought into line (through the courts?!?) over the next few years. This brinksmanship between sense and nonsense, reversals of long-held freedoms for women and suppression of black history will ultimately backlash against them. It may not be in my lifetime, but I believe when tide is turned, the conservative extremists will scurry back under their rocks.

    In the meantime, thanks once again and always for bringing us all together in our RSC world of happy scrappy fun!

  9. It's always the few that make things difficult for the many (like teenagers always getting a bad name, even though most teens are good).

  10. Hope you are able to maintain standards despite the nutty "rules." Thanks for keeping us in the pink!

  11. It is sad to watch the schools in parts of America becoming the newest political tool, as well as actual battlegrounds. Here is Canada we, too have our issues. Hugs and the hopes for you to have a good week now that the Civics course is finished for now.

  12. A teachers life is not about teaching children to learn anymore - well here in Australia anyway - that's why I left teaching some years ago. Really enjoying my sewing and using up all my scraps. Love pretty pinks.


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