I was tossing and turning in my sleep last night. Painting the house has started the never ending "t0 do" list running in high gear in my head. Something about having the outside all shiny and clean makes me think the inside should match. We've been collecting stuff for a garage sale for a while now, so when I couldn't sleep I started a list of things to be collected and put into the sale. Then I made a list of home improvements to work on and I could be busy for quite a while.
The end of the year is also an opportunity to inventory accomplishments and goals. Since this is a quilt blog, I'll start with quilty things. I see in my side bar that I finished 18 quilts last year. I stopped counting in the heat of the nursing home lap quilt frenzy, but 8 of the 18 belong to that group. I know I made up others from the kits, but those were part of the project, so I won't bother to add all that up. I also see from the side bar that I have 13 WIPs listed (works in progress for non quilt people). I'm thinking that finishing one UFO a month is a good goal for the year. That still gives me wiggle room for new projects if I work on current pace.
It isn't quite as easy to quantify the non-quilty goals. All of the home improvement and upkeep is such a never ending cycle that I'm not sure where to start. I suppose I could break the house down into rooms and try to focus on one each month. I'll have to start thinking about how that could work. I think I'm on track for the excerscise and health arena. Losing wieght is a also a never ending goal, so I won't even bother to list that one. How about you guys, is anyone else thinking about resolutions for the new year?
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
House is DONE

We finished the house painting yesterday after several days of hard labor. My legs are tired and sore from climbing ladders and scaffolding, and I may never get all the paint out from under my fingernails. I am very thankful that we didn't have to pay someone to do the job for us. The going rate for painting a house this size would also buy a moderately priced car. Best of all, I know that it was done well. The cracks got sealed, the windows caulked and cleaned and the landscaping trimmed. Now I am looking forward to doing something nice and relaxing. Maybe Bonnie's mystery quilt, that sounds like a plan. First though, the scaffolding needs to get disassembled so it can go back, and I need to pick up the debris so I can get an official "after" picture. Then maybe a nice jacuzzi bath and a browse for mystery fabrics. That sounds like a plan.
Finally, Christmas Number 3

Our final Christmas this year happened on the 26th. Kurt's brother just bought a new house and moved, conveniently, just about half an hour away from my mom. The moving truck arrived just a few days before us, so we got to go see Kurt's brother and and family at their new house. Amazingly, given the short time, they had all of the boxes unpacked and were mostly settled in before we got there. The men were put in charge of installing TVs and and hanging heavy things on the wall.

Monday, December 29, 2008
Merry Christmas Take 2

Tom outdid himself on Christmas dinner as usual. I was second in command and had such critical tasks as peeling apples and stirring sauces. There was a pear and fig stuffed pork tenderloin to go with the prime rib as well as fettuccine Alfredo with shrimp and scallops. We even made a homemade applesauce for the kids. He finally decided, as a concession to the kids, to do the dinner buffet style, which is totally contrary to his gourmet tendencies, but it is easier. Maybe when the kids get a little more independent we can go all out on the presentation again. After diner was a "Chinese" gift exchange for the adults and stockings for the kids. We finished the evening off with a holiday Pinata. We've had one for the past three years, and it is just way too much fun.
Christmas number three is still on Kurt's camera, so I'll post about it next time. For now we are all home again and happy to be settling back in. Today we worked on the traditional post vacation laundry and unpacking as well as getting a LOT of painting done. I think we'll be able to finish off almost everything tomorrow if we keep making such good progress.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention -- I finished off the last Twilight book last night! Wow, that was so much fun. I love "discovering" a series when there are already several out there, ready to be devoured in a big reading marathon. I have to make plans now to go and see the movie. One of my running partners, Ashlyn, is willing to go with me, even though she has already seen it, she is a big fan and is going to keep me company.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas

Christmas number one came on December 24th. That was the "real" one. Cookies and milk, stockings hung with care. Anxious children herded off to bed. Thanks to the invention of Santa Sacks, we had the wrapping done in plenty of time and stockings stuffed with gifts gracefully stacked under the tree. It doesn't really matter how many gifts are under the tree, they always look small compared to the size of the giant tree. We used to have a regular sized tree, but it always looked silly compared to the really tall ceiling in the family room.

I hope everyone had a great day and was able to spend time with family and friends.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
And the Stockings Were Hung....

Shhh, Santa is coming. Because we asked him really nice, he always comes to our house on the 24th instead of the 25th. We took a break from house painting today and commenced with Christmas preparations. Apparently, Santa wanted gingerbread houses this year instead of cookies. We worked diligently on those this morning, pulling out all the frosting and decorations we could find. After that Dad was the lucky one who got to take the kids to see a movie while Mom finished up a few last minute details. He said The Tale of Despereax was quite dreadful, but the kids still enjoyed the outing.

Monday, December 22, 2008
House Half Full

Nothing much on the quilting front. I've started a new Christmas quilt that is meant to be a going away present for a neighbor who is moving, but I've been bone tired at the end every day recently and haven't made much progress. I'd better get a move on if I want to get it done, they are leaving before the new year.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Time Flies
Where has an entire week gone?
When last I checked in, I think I had just finished off the nursing home quilt delivery and was hosting my in-laws while waiting anxiously for the arrival of my dear husband. He stumbled in during the wee hours of the morning but still managed to be up before dawn due the the time difference. He brought a nice upper respiratory thing home with him, which seems to have missed all of the kids except Anna. (Also some beautiful sweaters for the kids I need to get pictures of still) I've finally downloaded pictures from the camera, and gotten some photos from Miss Sheila's memory card as well, so I'll share more of those tomorrow. Today I'll just zoom through the week and bring things up to date.

Last Sunday, Anna was singing in church in the morning. Her friend Sierra was dancing, and so I went and dutifully snapped pictures of them being all adorable. Kurt's mom was nice enough to come with me while Kurt laid low at home, still claiming jet lag.

The afternoon brought a lovely Christmas open house. My mother in-law came along while Kurt took Ryan to a birthday party. I'm not sure why the only picture I managed to snap was one of Anna and Sierra again.

Monday was back to work for the first day of finals. I put my nose to the grindstone, determined to have everything finished and entered by the end of the week. Tuesday was a repeat performance, followed by Sydney's class party conveniently scheduled just 20 minutes after the end of my last exam. We pasted and glitter glued ornaments, and tasted lots of frosting on these adorable little "gingerbread" houses.
By Wednesday I was finished with exams and spent the morning finishing off the last dregs. Grade calculations, comments, that sort of thing. So by Thursday I was done. Anna's class party just happened to fall in the morning on Thursday so I was able to make that as well, and helped out with "winter" themed activities of ice-cream, insta-snow, and Florida snow men made of white slime. I forgot my camera that day, so no photos of the third grade fun.
Kurt and I both off then on Friday, so we went out to breakfast together, finished off the Christmas shopping and went to the hardware store to choose house paint colors.
Saturday morning was my scheduled long run of 23 miles! I tried to get out of it, but I have these persistent running partners who wouldn't let me get away with it. Meisje was only scheduled for 18, so we started at 5:30 with a 9 mile loop. We came back for Tom and he ran with us for the next 9 mile loop. After dropping Meisje off back at her car, Tom and I did another short loop to bring the total to 23. I was tired at the end, but still functional, much to my own surprise. I got back to shower and change while Kurt went off to buy paint.
The rest of the afternoon was spent painting the house. We're going to rent scaffolding after Christmas, so for now, we're just painting the lower part of the house. I'm off to paint. I've volunteered for the low down trim work while Kurt goes crazy with the big 18 inch roller. We'll see how much damage we can do in a whole day. Happy Sunday everyone.
When last I checked in, I think I had just finished off the nursing home quilt delivery and was hosting my in-laws while waiting anxiously for the arrival of my dear husband. He stumbled in during the wee hours of the morning but still managed to be up before dawn due the the time difference. He brought a nice upper respiratory thing home with him, which seems to have missed all of the kids except Anna. (Also some beautiful sweaters for the kids I need to get pictures of still) I've finally downloaded pictures from the camera, and gotten some photos from Miss Sheila's memory card as well, so I'll share more of those tomorrow. Today I'll just zoom through the week and bring things up to date.

Last Sunday, Anna was singing in church in the morning. Her friend Sierra was dancing, and so I went and dutifully snapped pictures of them being all adorable. Kurt's mom was nice enough to come with me while Kurt laid low at home, still claiming jet lag.

The afternoon brought a lovely Christmas open house. My mother in-law came along while Kurt took Ryan to a birthday party. I'm not sure why the only picture I managed to snap was one of Anna and Sierra again.

Monday was back to work for the first day of finals. I put my nose to the grindstone, determined to have everything finished and entered by the end of the week. Tuesday was a repeat performance, followed by Sydney's class party conveniently scheduled just 20 minutes after the end of my last exam. We pasted and glitter glued ornaments, and tasted lots of frosting on these adorable little "gingerbread" houses.
By Wednesday I was finished with exams and spent the morning finishing off the last dregs. Grade calculations, comments, that sort of thing. So by Thursday I was done. Anna's class party just happened to fall in the morning on Thursday so I was able to make that as well, and helped out with "winter" themed activities of ice-cream, insta-snow, and Florida snow men made of white slime. I forgot my camera that day, so no photos of the third grade fun.
Kurt and I both off then on Friday, so we went out to breakfast together, finished off the Christmas shopping and went to the hardware store to choose house paint colors.
Saturday morning was my scheduled long run of 23 miles! I tried to get out of it, but I have these persistent running partners who wouldn't let me get away with it. Meisje was only scheduled for 18, so we started at 5:30 with a 9 mile loop. We came back for Tom and he ran with us for the next 9 mile loop. After dropping Meisje off back at her car, Tom and I did another short loop to bring the total to 23. I was tired at the end, but still functional, much to my own surprise. I got back to shower and change while Kurt went off to buy paint.

The rest of the afternoon was spent painting the house. We're going to rent scaffolding after Christmas, so for now, we're just painting the lower part of the house. I'm off to paint. I've volunteered for the low down trim work while Kurt goes crazy with the big 18 inch roller. We'll see how much damage we can do in a whole day. Happy Sunday everyone.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I almost forgot to mention. Kurt's parents made it in to town, but I'm still waiting for him to show up. His international flight was delayed for three hours, and by the time he made it through customs, he had missed his connection. He was traveling with two other people on the same project, and the one who drove to the airport managed to catch his flight, leaving the other two stranded. I called and reserved him a shuttle so that he could get home, but his flight isn't due in until 11 p.m. I feel like I should stay up to meet him, but by the time he gets out of the airport and home again it will probably be the wee hours of the morning. I'm guessing he'll be pretty much done between jet lag and traveling and the cold he managed to catch while he was away. Isn't business travel fun?
The Big Day

Today was finally the day we went to the nursing home for Christmas caroling and lap quilt delivery! I was worried that after working so long on making the quilts, that giving them away would be difficult. Instead, the girls were all happy to find someone to take their quilts. We started by singing a nice set of Christmas songs. When it came time to deliver the quilts,each girl remembered exactly the quilt she had made and went to find someone who wanted it.

I was very happy with how everything turned out. There were a few extra quilts which the nurses saved for some of the residents who were sick and unable to come to the caroling. The girls are already asking when they can make another quilt so that they have one to keep for themselves.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Coming Home
Endeavor arrived back this afternoon right before the school bus. There was weather when it was supposed to land originally, so they diverted to Texas and piggybacked it home on an airplane. I didn't get my own picture, but this one was sent by someone from work. Everyone here is bracing for the end of the shuttle program and wondering how it will impact the area. We already have one neighbor leaving, he works directly for NASA and couldn't pass up a good offer to move out of state. They have a son Ryan's age and they play well together, so I will be sad to see them leave, but I would do the same thing in their position.
We've managed pretty well in a single parent household for the week. I am so thankful that I don't have to do this alone all the time! My mom managed from the time we were all small children, and every time I try to "go it alone", I have new respect for what she managed to do.
The quilts are all folded and ready to go. I need to clean Kurt's car out in the morning so that it is ready for carpooling, and I noticed that his back tire has a slow leak, so I should take care of that. The babysitter is coming at 1:30 to stay with Ryan, Sydney and Ryan's friend Lucas. Kurt's parents will be here sometime, they are coming off of a cruise and couldn't pin down an exact arrival. I hope it doesn't confuse the babysitter too much if they show up while I am gone. Kurt will be back in the US by early morning, but has to catch a connection and won't be home before bedtime. Sunday is another doozy with Anna singing in Church in the morning, a birthday party and OM in the afternoon as well as a holiday open house that I don't want to miss. I suppose we'll do as much as we can and count ourselves lucky to have so many options.
Girl Scouts Nursing Home Quilts,
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
It's Begnining to Look......

I bit the bullet today and worked on putting up some Christmas decorations. Kurt got the tree up before he left, but he let the kids put on all the ornaments and they needed a little redistribution. They could still use a little help, but I didn't feel like getting the big ladder out again

I braved the attic to look (unsuccessfully) for the tree skirt and pulled down some Garlands, bows and lights. Then the kids and I spent the afternoon spreading holiday cheer. Do you have any idea how silly Christmas lights look when strung on palm trees? We're all going over to share dinner with our neighbor who's husband is out of town three days every week, we try to get together whenever Kurt is gone. We are going to bring cookies.

Monday, December 8, 2008
Oh So Close

I've managed to muddle through two and a half days as a single parent with no major mishaps. I thought I was in trouble when the school bus didn't come this morning, but a kind neighbor gave all of the kids a lift to school so I wasn't late to work. I stayed late at school to catch up on grading but still made it home in time to meet the bus this afternoon. Sydney had a field trip to the grocery store today and said it was, "the best day ever!". Anna finished her science fair project this afternoon and is quite proud of how adorable her board is. Ryan spent the evening making pulleys out of things he found in the toyroom and then we had lunchables for dinner.
Oh, I almost forgot the most exciting news of the day. The school librarian hooked me up with books 2, 3 and 4 in the Twilight series! Both copies of 1 were checked out, but she's going to save me one when they get turned back in. Guess what I'll be doing over Christmas break? This is the last full week of class before exams so we are winding down quickly.
Girl Scouts Nursing Home Quilts,
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Bone Tired

I got home in time to shower and kiss Kurt goodbye as his ride came for the airport. He'll call us from his layover, but I think it will be too late by the time he arrives at his destination to talk. I was carpooling to the birthday party, so we all pulled out at the same time as Kurt and his coworkers. It was a bowling party at the air force base, so we allowed extra time to go through security and get checked in properly. The birthday party was as calm as any gathering of 17 young children full of soda, pizza and cake can be. I was drafted to help out, and so did quite a bit of scurrying getting shoes, lining up lanes, distributing food and such. It is amazing how many children will burst into tears when faced with a dismal bowling score.
We are home again at last, full of birthday party food and wondering if we should try to eat a nice healthy dinner. I'm voting for pajamas and a good snuggle in a warm bed before it is time to put the kids to bed. Then I'm going to enjoy a nice hot whirlpool bath and try to get my tired legs energized enough for a new day.
Friday, December 5, 2008

I've got another half marathon in the morning. This one is in Orlando, so I have a ride coming at 5 a.m. I'm bringing a pillow in the car! I don't have a long run scheduled this time, so I can just do the 13.1 and then quit. Kurt is leaving on a jet plane at 1, and Anna has a birthday party at 2. I said I'd stay and help out, so that means everyone is coming along. Kurt had scheduled an OM meeting for Sunday, but I made him cancel it when the other coach couldn't show up either. He let me know at 4:30 that there was a work party tonight that we were supposed to go to tonight. I tried valiantly to get a sitter, but that isn't easy to do on such short notice. He went alone while I snuggled up in flannel PJs and finished my quilts. I've got everything ready to go for morning, so I think I'll call it a night. I know there is another quilt-a-thon this weekend, I won't be able to play along, but I hope some of you are.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Progress Report

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Deadline Nears

Last night was our Girl Scout Troop meeting. The girls signed labels for their quilts and we practiced singing the Christmas carols we are going to perform when we go to the nursing home to present the quilts. Only two weeks to go.
I thought I would get lots done on the Thanksgiving weekend, but that never panned out. Instead I got back to work today trying to finish up enough to get us to our goal of 40 quilts. The Shoofly Orphan Quilt (#30) was already layered and basted, so I used a large scale meander to get it quilted up in a real hurry. I am not exaggerating when I say I had less than 15 minutes until it was time for the school bus to come, and I was there in plenty of time!

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