June is flying by! Soon it will time to ease out of blue and into aqua. Fortunately, it won't have to be a harsh jump into July, but rather an nice gentle shift to the shades of blue that lean more toward green. I spent our most recent car trip to Virginia putting some hexies together in the car. I think these are the last blocks needed for the light blue row.
Next, it looks like a few more of dark blue, pink and purple will finish it all off. I would have thought that I could get more done in a 14 hour drive, but we leave early when it is still dark, and then when the sun comes up I take a turn behind the wheel. They call it long slow sewing for a reason I suppose. Still, this hexie project is getting pretty close, and it would be great to get the rows together and start adding some sort of borders. I am thinking of some background and then some sort of brown and black frame around that.
How are your blues coming along? The linky tool is below, please share with us all.