Saturday, September 3, 2016

ScrapHappy Saturday - New Month, New Color

Those of us in the US are enjoying a three day weekend.  I hope that means more sewing time for you all.  In celebration of a new month our new colors of rose red and gold, I have this beautiful bundle of hand dyed fabric from Vicki Welsh.  Just leave me a comment on this post with your favorite type of flower.  I'll draw randomly on Monday for the fabric.  Good luck to you all!


Anonymous said...

My favorite is violets. They signal beginning of summer.

Shelina said...

This year, my favorite flower is the zinnia. They are blooming profusely in my yard and bring such a big shot of bright color.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Such beautiful colors! They remind me of the marigolds that are blooming in my garden right now. I love marigolds!

Deb A said...

I love lilacs... not sure they are technically a flower though =)

The Joyful Quilter said...

My favorite flower is the Iris, in all its various shades of purple. Rises come in second, but they don't work in my garden.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Shasta Daisies and full blown deep pink roses -- we used those flowers when we held a rededication of our wedding vows and I still love looking at the flower photos all these years later (we celebrated 41 years this year). So happy that red is the color for September -- I have LOTS of red scraps.

Kat Scribner said...

My favorite flower is the white easter lily.

Lisa England said...

Gerber daisies are a favorite of mine. Sadly, they are also a favorite snack of the deer in my neighborhood.

Scrapatches said...

I love daisies ... in all all forms and all colors ... but traditional white and yellow are the best!
Close runner ups are pansies in the spring and mums in the fall. Thanks ... :) Pat

Karen said...

My favorite flower is yellow roses.

Marly said...

My favourite flowers are sweet peas. I have some growing on my balcony now, but unfortunately they never recovered from the storm damage (just an ordinary storm - no hurricanes here!) of a month or so ago, but the few there are smell beautiful! I'm glad you missed the worst of the hurricane.

make.share.give said...

Perfect apple-y colors to get us in the mood for September!

beaquilter said...

lovely colors! my favorite flower is probably tulips!

Nann said...

My favorite garden flower is the peony.
Rose red and gold remind me of the red and buff roses of Alpha Gamma Delta, my fraternity. #goAlphaGam!
Thanks for the giveaway -- but especially thanks for hosting RSC which has provided great quilty inspiration.

cathy said...

I love pink roses, pale or vibrant, florist or wild. Especially the old rose varieties.

Katie Z. said...

Roses are my favorite flowers to grow and carnations are my favorite flowers to have in the house.

Cathy said...

Roses have always been my favorite flower. My grandfather had an amazing rose garden, which I used to wander when I was young. My aunt (not my mom) inherited the rose gene, and taught me a lot about rose pruning and care. Wherever I have lived, I have planted roses in profusion - rose trees, miniatures, tea roses, floribundas, etc.

Bernie Kringel said...

I have two. Is that fair!? Sunflowers and peonies. Love them both!!

Mary said...

I love purple coneflowers. So summery and free spirited.

Cathy said...

My fav is pansy. That is followed by old fashioned scented roses.

Jean said...

My favorite summer flower is moss rose. I have them by my ramp every summer in all colors. Beautiful!

Barbara said...

I love dahlias!

tac73 said...

Roses are always on the top of my list but there are so many more I love.

Shellie said...

We live in a super dry climate where it's tough to get things to grow. But that said, my petunias grow and flower like crazy giving great color to my xeriscaping!

Lori said...

Peonies and lilacs! Lilacs mean summer is here and peonies were blooming on Memorial Day, a day of family get togethers.

Lori said...

Peonies and lilacs! Lilacs mean summer is here and peonies were blooming on Memorial Day, a day of family get togethers.

Unknown said...

There are so many favorites that it is hard to pick just one! Guess it would have to be geraniums. Mine go "bananas" every summer. robinsheloratearthlinkdotnet

Charlotta said...

Stargazer lily. I love the scent and when I want to splurge I buy a small bunch for myself and enjoy the look and scent of them in my living room for days!

linda said...

Can't beat the dependability of a black eyed susan.

Unknown said...

I really do like cacti and succulents. Also orchids. Robert, from northern Iowa.

theresa said...

I love my lilies the colors and the fragrant of them.

Janna said...

My favorite flower is the orchid, love them all.

Heidi said...

I love Dahlia's!

Sharon said...

It is difficult to choose only one. I think it would be the happy daffodils and next would be tulips.

Gale said...

Hard to choose, but I like daisies.

prairiekat said...

Ever since a child (yes, that was a long time ago) I have always loved the "wild" yellow rose. Kathy in Colo repzjratplainsdotnet

sunrise4501 said...

my. Favorite is the snapdragons. since moving to St.Louis I have seen very few, I guess that they don't grow here.

Linda Fleming said...

I love freesias - they come in such wonderful colors and have a beautiful scent.

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said...

My favorite flower is nasturtiums, especially the yellow, orange and almost red ones. I collect their seeds every fall so I can plant again in the spring.

Sue SA said...

While I havent participated this year, I did last year and finally I now have a finished scrappy quilt to share! Thank you so much, I enjoy following your blog and seeing what everyone else is making.

gmwahl said...

My favorite has always been the Pansy.
It was my Dads favorite and whatever
Daddy liked I liked.
Thanks for all you do for us

Unknown said...

Peonies...only because it is fun to say!

Linda said...

I love lots of flowers but particularly anemones as they were my mother's favourite.

Beth B said...

Currently my favorite is the portulacca. The plants are just so full and have lots of colorful flowers.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I am happy to hear that the hurricane did not affect you much! : )

Unknown said...

Violets and snowdrops have to be my favorite flowers. They always surprise us so early during the winter promising spring just around the corner. The September colors are very lovely.

sunny said...

One favorite flower? Seriously? I love pansies, poppies, hollyhocks, and peonies just to name a few. DH recently started planting Zinnias, and I love their little buds! Yep, I love flowers.

Emily said...

I love flowers! Though y absolute favorites are actually flowering trees. Dogwoods are at the top of the list, with magnolias not too far behind.

Sarah Aldrich said...

Tulips are without a doubt my favorite. Unfortunately they are also the deer'sfavorite, so I never bother to plant them.

Nell's Quilts said...

It's almost fall and my favourite flower is blooming in some gardens. Asters, in all of their many colours, are my favourite.

Jackie said...

Black eyed Susan, although my flowers and garden never get enough attention, I tend to get distracted by fabric!

darlene said...

they are all my favorite at one time or another. Will pick a pink Hibiscus the size of a breakfast plate for today.

Judy in Missouri said...

My favorite flower depends on the season, so right now is the sunflower. Love that bright yellow gold!

JoanG said...

I love what some would see as a weed, Queen Anne's lace. The lacy openness of the flowers intrigue me.

Sheila said...

I like daises. Such simple, happy flowers.

Charlotte Key said...

I love carnations, especially the multi colored ones.

Marsha Cooper said...

My favorite flower is actually the Iris. A lot of that stems from the fact that I can grow those each year with ease. I love that I have added several new colors of them to my yard over the years.

Julianne said...

I'd have to say Orchids or Dahlias!

hueisei said...

Roses. Thanks for the chance to win.

Chantal said...

We, in Canada, also have a three day weekend. It is still Monday for me, so I hope I'm not too late for the draw. (If so, too bad for me lol.) My favourite flower is Rudbeckia (and daisies) and for my exotic flower (not growing in Canada) is the Orchid (my wedding bouquet flower). Thanks for the chance. ;^)

Lynne Stucke said...

My favorite flower is the bearded iris -- so intricate! SO beautiful!! I love them in ALL colors, and nothing would please me more than if someone could cross-breed a bearded iris that would also make a lasting cut flower. Thanks for the chance to win. . . I LOVE your blog, and try to never miss a post. [lynnstck(at)]