Saturday, June 6, 2009

Fabric Choices

I couldn't find the magazine to get the directions for the new Quiltville Christmas mystery quilt, but I did find the fabric requirements online. I started pulling some potential fabrics so that I can figure out what I need to buy. There are two potential colorways that I am considering. The first group is muted, I didn't have a black to go with this group, maybe I could substitute the dark olive green instead? Then I started with the blacks in the second group and ended up with this bright version. So what do you think? Muted or bright?


Tamara Lund D.C. said...

My vote is for muted. But that seem like all i do. You have made some fabulous bright quilts too!

Kim said... those colors! I'm pulling fabric for the mystery too and the last thing I need is another project but I hate to miss out on a Bonnie mystery :0)

Happy Sewing,

Sara said...

I like them both, but I think I am more drawn to the bright, which is what I am usually drawn toward! Good Luck deciding!

Amy said...

I'm an "earthy" girl, so the muted colors are striking me much more than the brights.
However, I agree with Kim when it comes to being the LAST thing I need (another new project), but it's BONNIE! We can't miss out.

I'm off to catch up on your last two weeks now that I have some time......

Cornfield Quilter said...

I really like the brights even though I am usually a muted person. Sometimes you just need to step outside that box. :D

Shelina said...

Just to be really helpful, I want to say I really like the muted even though I am normally a brights person. Sorry!

Amanda said...

I love the brights for a Christmas quilt, it's a time of year when they really seem to be essential and to work well, even if you wouldn't choose them for all year round decorating.

Micki said...

I love the brights too! I think it will be perfect with those fabrics.

Amy said...

So....the votes seem pretty equal! Have you decided yet on your colors? The muted ones are so "Thimbles-like", but those black/white "lights" sure would make a fun throw quilt.

Hey----why didn't I think of this???? You have enough time to make BOTH sets, right?!?!?! :0)
(ooooooo, that actually has ME thinking now about making another set)