Saturday, July 13, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - Summer Ocean of Blue-Green

I have come to really love turquoise since we moved to the ocean. Ironically, the east coast of Florida isn't a teal kind of sea. It is more of a traditional blue and brown kind of beach here. 

Still, I have been trying to add aqua accents in the house where I can. Our last house was very oak and orange, and it has been a slow transition. Most of that furniture moved to the mountains, and the beach house is slowly evolving. I am working on painting this table with mismatched chairs. Furniture refinishing is not my strength for sure, but everything came from goodwill, so it won't hurt anything to try. So far there is too much red in the teal, I was going for a subtle distressed kind of feel and ended up with stark streakiness. I was hoping to help it blend in with the floors which are some kind of exotic hardwood with lots of red in it. I will fine tune it a bit before sealing everything up. 

More importantly though, I will finish the tutorials for the July Hen & Chicken blocks. I sewed the last of the blocks yesterday and got the first set of directions posted. It won't take long to get the last 3 ready to go. I hope you have lots of greenish blues ready to sew today. Misterlinky is below, please share your progress with us all. 


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I always enjoy the photos you share of your amazing view! Living in landlocked Colorado, I crave any time spent by the ocean. The table and chairs look like a fun project, though - great color!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Good luck with the chairs, teal is a great color for them. Thanks as always for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. It has truly changed my quilting life!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Another coat of paint and your chairs should be good as new, Angela. I feel your pain. I don't have the furniture refinishing gene, either. Kudos for giving it the old college try!

Kate said...

The beach is such a beautiful place to be at the start and end of the day. Good luck with the chair refinishing and the stitching. Hope your summer vacation is going well.