Saturday, June 22, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - Happy Blue Chaos


Blue has just always been one of those huge colors for me. I had plenty of giant chunks to dig through for sampler blocks, now it is just a matter of making some sort of sense of the rest. I got some of the tiny crumbs put together and then squared them up to 4.5 inches with the handy Go! cutter. Having it live conveniently under my new rolling kitchen island ironing board/work surface with built in outlets has been super quick and easy. Unfortunately the volume of blue scraps has limited the available work space. I guess that should be first on the list this morning? Second will be cutting star point for the crumb centers. Then I will have no choice but to deal with the chaos lurking in the rest of the room. I am running out of workspace, floor space, even trash space!  Hopefully a tiny cleaning spree will reveal where those extra pink star parts are hiding. What blue scraps are you playing with this week? MisterLinky is below, please share with us all.
I should have plenty of time in the sewing room this week. There is one quick work meeting to go to on Tuesday morning, but other than that, my days are wide open and looking relaxed. It is nice to be back home again, but we are already planning another trip to the mountains before summer rushes past. We have to check on the new trees, mushrooms, tomatoes and clover.  I also left the hallway half painted.  So many projects and only finite hours in the day.  


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It does always seem like there are more blue scraps to play with than any other at my house, too! I'm not sure why that is. Your work station looks very handy! Hope you have a fun Saturday working with those blues.

Amy said...

Yay!!! Can't wait to see what the quiet, open week unfolds for you. Blue scraps are certainly on my loose agenda today.
Heavenly sigh... I know you understand me when I say, "it's sooooo good to be back!"

The Joyful Quilter said...

Enjoy those pretty BLUE scraps at a relaxed pace this week, Angela! Best of luck creating some order in the sewing room. I'm not having much luck with mine, but I'll keep trying! said...

Hooray for a quiet and open week! May you accomplish all that you have planned. I too have a lot of blue scraps. I need to pare down the container so I can close the lid!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Good luck with cleaning up the sewing room! It's hard to keep up with it when you only have a little time to sew (ask me how I know!).

Kate said...

Enjoy your mostly nothing but sewing week.