Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Hen & Chicks Block 24 - Shiny Star


I feel like this one was called something else, but it is just a friendship star with an extra point added on to make it shiny. Using flip and sew triangles, it is easy and quick to achieve. 

Use the cutting chart above to get the pieces you will need. Notice that two shades of blue are used.  I have tried to minimize multi fabric blocks, but they are needed here to get definition in the points. Try to find two shades of blue with enough contrast that they don't blend visually. 

Use the HST sewing method of your choice, I gave the measurements for the method which uses two squares cut 7/8 of an inch larger than the finished size of your unit in the finished block. 
Next, take the dark blue squares and draw a line across the diagonal.  Layer these on top of the HST units so that the seams make an X with the seams headed in opposite directions. Sew on the drawn line. Make sure that the HST units are all facing in the same direction as you sew to avoid confusion. 
Open up the flip and sew corner and check for alignment of the fabrics before trimming away the extra fabric behind.  Double check the orientation of the triangles as they are easy to reverse. Consider making bonus HST units for the larger block sizes. 

Here are your 9 subunits ready to go. How cute are those shiny star points? 

Orient the star points in the middle and then fill in the corners with background and the center with the lighter square. 

Sew as any nine patch, pressing away from the star points to minimize fabric bulk. That is the last block of the blue month!


Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I really like that you show the "bare bones" of a block, before it gets extras.

Amy said...

Ooooooo... this is a favorite 'classic' block. Not jumping into the Hens & Chicks; at least not until I get my quilting feet back under me. May have to make a few of this block though, burning through some blue tomorrow.