Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2018!  

I am so happy to be starting another year as host of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  It all started as a personal quest to use up my own scraps.  Since then it has blossomed into an ongoing collaboration of quilters all working toward similar goals.  Every quilter makes scraps.  They tend to accumulate in bins and boxes as we move on to new projects.  The thought of using them can seem overwhelming and complicated.  Rather than deal with them all at once, we tackle one color each month.  Anyone is welcome to hop in at any time by simply joining in to the weekly linky party with a link to your own web post related to the color of the month or your ongoing RSC projects. 
Mari and I will also be making a sampler quilt this year called "Squared Away"  The directions will be posted for that on the first Saturday of the month.  She has an entire tab set up already, so be sure to visit her blog on the first Saturday of the month for complete directions.  I'll try to keep an updated list of links going to make it easier to find directions for each block.  We have chosen 10 blocks, each of which is built on a 5 by 5 grid.  All the blocks consist of simple squares, rectangle or half square triangles.
For January, we will be focusing on the color blue.  Try, if you can, to dig into the lighter side of your blue bin.  Dark blues and dark neutrals will get a chance to come out and play later in the year.  For most quilters, blue can be an overwhelming color, so having two chances to make a dent can help with the volume of blue. 
There is more information on the RSC18 page.  Just use the tab at the top if you are new. Most of all, welcome.  I hope you can find a few scraps and play along!


Cross Mountain Quilts said...

I'm looking forward to the RSC. It's the ONE quilt-along I'm starting this year! Thanks for hosting it.

newsurfiegirl said...

Glad to see you are still going! I still haven't finished my 2014 RSC Sampler although I did make a bit of a dent in it during 2017. I look forward to seeing what you make this year.

Barbara said...

Looking forward to joining you a little later in the year. All my scraps are at home, and we’ve still got a couple of months of traveling before we’re home again. I’ll keep track and catch up when we get there. Thanks for hosting!

Teresa said...

Sounds like fun. I am debating as I have already agreed to work on two new projects for 2018, but I so enjoyed the RSC2017. I have a block in mind - the Wheel of Fortune - and would just be one block a month, hmmmmmm. I am still trying to figure out the piecing, but I may "have" to play along :)

Karen's Quilts from Cape Town said...

Thank-you for continuing with RSC. The button is working!

Quiltdivajulie said...

I'll be playing along but not starting any new projects specifically for RSC 18. I want to focus on previous projects and getting the tops from earlier RSC years QUiLTED and FINISHED. But one never knows what squirrel might happen into my path . . .

Deb A said...

Thanks for hosting RSC 2018! I always have so much fun making blocks in the rainbow colors. I might have to make a few 2 color quilts this year as some colors are overflowing and need to get moved.

Sheila said...

Thank you for hosting the Rainbow Scrap Challenge another year! This is my all time favorite Sew Along project and have made many colorful scrappy quilts for myself, family and charity through the years. I look forward to sewing along with you and Mari this year because I LOVE colorful scrappy sampler quilts. It's going to be a good year.

Angie said...

Looking forward to another year of RSC inspiration and challenge!

Jean said...

Is it possible to post the directions in PDF form, so they are easier to copy? Happy New Year

swooze said...

I’m gonna give it a whirl this year.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I am going to hang in there for another RSC :) I have two to finish from years past, using the color suggestions for two other projects, and found a block that I think might work for something new as well ! :)

Happy New Year !

Sara said...

I plan to try harder to keep up this year, and I love sampler quilts. So this should be fun!

Meloney said...
I am joining your challenge with a couple of others.
This should help me control these scraps.

Betty C said...

Yay. This sounds like fun.

Bernie Kringel said...

Hi: I missed working along with you last year so this year I am back in. Joining up with you and Mari to sew along with Squared Away. Thank you for organizing this each year and championing us as we try to use up the scraps!! Happy New Year. :-)

Jennifer said...

I am joining in this year - pulled all the light blues from my scrap tubs yesterday and have a pattern to use - hoping to be able to make a dent in my scraps!

Kate said...

I really enjoyed the last sampler RSC quilt, so I'm looking forward to this one.

Adventurous Quilter said...

Yay! I can't wait to dig into my blues for the two projects I'm still working on from 2016 & 2017 RSC

Quilter Kathy said...

Excited about the new RSC sampler project and hope to join in!

Quilter Kathy said...

The button worked perfectly and was installed easily! Thank you!

Anthea said...

I won't be sewing Squared Away, but I do look forward to sewing my colour each month. I'm aiming for 2 blocks each month... bring it on!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I will join the RSC, first time ever! It will be my very first challenge, I hope I will be able to follow... I plan to sew 7.5 inch blocks, but not Squared Away, at least 2 per month. I'm very excited by this scrap rainbow challenge!! Thanks to host it!!

Yvonne W said...

This is the first time I have come across this idea and am very tempted to give it a go. I have been away from blogland for awhile now-- so will have to get myself organised and re start that to post the progress. I am on Instagram. Do you post on Instagram too?