Saturday, December 30, 2023
Scaphappy Saturday (Ryan Appreciation Day)
We are all in Virginia today and completely unaware of the day. I called my middle child to put up the post as we are driving “in to town” for supplies. I spent many hours during the in-law Christmas sewing hexies. The dark green row is ready for assembly
Saturday, December 23, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday
Saturday, December 16, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - A Month of Hexies
It seems like I have been posting nothing but hexie photos for a month. The light green row is done and mostly connected. There are some dark green hexies ready to be sewn into diamonds. Progress is slow and steady. It is a dreary hurricane like day here, so there will be plenty of inside sewing time to enjoy. How are your end of the year wrap up plans coming along? I will certainly have a lot of rollover this year and not too many new projects, but that is all part of the ebb and flow.
Saturday, December 9, 2023
Scraphappy Saturday
It seems that I only do hexies lately. I guess I am a creature of habit. The light green row is almost done, but the dark green row is going to need a bit of work. I think it will look good though after the yellow and light green. It is easier to see the pattern with the darker hexie colors.
It was a surprisingly calm week. The kids at school all have college applications mostly wrapped up and are waiting on decisions. I went to a private college event and did a tour yesterday of Florida Southern which is most known for its Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture. That was a nice change of pace. Our neighbor put her townhouse on the market last weekend and it is under contract now, so it looks like we will be getting a new neighbor. I think we will do some goodwill shopping today for Ryan's new college apartment and see the newest Marvel movie. Having weekends is such a treat! I could do this all the time.
Saturday, December 2, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Wrapping Up
It is strange for me to be in the last month of the year without a nice stack of new quilts to finish up. Such is the ebb and flow though. Hexies are still screaming my name, and English paper piecing doesn't give you stacks of finished blocks in a hurry. It has been a long slow labor of love. The red and orange rows are done and sewed together, the yellow row is ready to be added! Looks like I still need a few light greens, and then a decision about dark green. Light and dark blue each get their own rows. Does green deserve the same attention? I guess I should think about the dimensions of the final quilt. That might lead me in a direction. With hand stitching, there is plenty of time to think about the next steps while zenfully sewing away the hours and days.
I am so enjoying seeing everyone else finish up rainbow scrap projects. Your accomplishments bring me enough joy while I wait for my mojo to flow again.Saturday, November 25, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Gave Thanks
Saturday, November 18, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Thanksgiving
I am thankful for my blog and my quilting, even though neither seems to be getting enough attention recently. I hope that will change this week as we now have an entire week off for the Thanksgiving holiday. We used to get three days, but during COVID they went to a full week and there is no going back from that! My oldest is home now and will leave tomorrow to spend the holiday with the boyfriends family. It will be our first major holiday without all the kids. So hard! I know it is the natural progression, but it still hit me. Kurt is off picking up Sydney the youngest from UF this morning and the middle child should return on Monday. So we will have 2 of the 3 until Thursday at least. Sydney has to go back Thursday night because she works a retail job and is scheduled for Black Friday. Then there is a big football game on Saturday. It is fun to see them have their own lives apart from us, but still an adjustment.
I have been mentally drained lately and spent many relaxing hours stitching away at hexies. I need to set a row length for these so that I can figure out when I will be done. I think the red row is going to be the longest and then I will just slowly bring each color to the same length and start getting them together. The one odd man out is the black. I might just sneak that on the end of the dark blue or purple row. I will never find enough black or brown fabrics to have an entire row.
How are all of your quilts coming along. I know a lot of people will probably be taking a break from rainbow quilts for a while to do the Bonnie Mystery. I haven't even checked to see what it will be this year! It has been a few years since I have participated, but I usually at least follow along to enjoy everyone else's progress.
I hope the holiday finds you happy and healthy and that you are able to find time for family and for yourself
Saturday, November 11, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Three Day Weekend
Saturday, November 4, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Fall

Saturday, October 28, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - And then it was calm
It was a blissfully calm week at work. Such a nice change of pace. Next week I will take a few extra days off in exchange for the extra hours I have been working.
Kurt has had his turn at a crazy few weeks at work instead and he is also looking forward to having a few days off. Here is a flock of geese crossing a road because I guess they forgot that they can fly?
We are still working to find a replacement for our usual Friday night margarita place. We found another within walking distance of home and the food and drinks were both excellent. It was quite empty during the dinner rush on a Friday though, so that does not bode well,
I have quite a bit of sewing to catch up on today. November is supposed to be quilt assembly time. I might be able to assemble some of last year's block collections. This year has taken a bit of a sewing hiatus lately. How are your block collections coming along? Hopefully you have a quilt to two ready to come together soon.
Saturday, October 21, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday -- Its the end of the week!
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Scrappy and Happy in October
I love seeing what people do with the neutral and makeup months. I have lost all hope of getting caught up for now but want to play with some light neutrals to add a row to the top of this sprouts quilt that ended up square. I don't enjoy square quilts as a rule, so I was thinking of adding some blossoms to the top to enlarge it a bit. The big career fair is next Friday so thing should calm down at work after that. Kids have been frantically finishing up college applications and asking for lots of help which is great! It just doesn't leave a lot of time to get the fair ready, so that has been happening on evenings and weekends. Not a great work life balance at the moment, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel that leads to some quiet sewing time.
Misterlinky is below, please let us know what you are up to these days.Saturday, October 7, 2023
Scrappy Happy Saturday
Loving the weekend! Work is a mad dash at the moment and sleeping in this morning was the best feeling. Follow it up with some sewing and sorting of scrap? Sounds like my plan. What is yours?
Saturday, September 30, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday
Ah, the weekend! I am finally feeling better and work has gone crazy! The first set of seniors is getting acceptances into rolling admission schools and we have three that have already made final decisions.
I am so much looking forward to some quiet time today. Most of last weekend was spent with movies and hexies. The photos don't show a lot of progress, but the aqua row is longer now. How are your aqua scraps coming along? Monday will transition to light neutrals as the color of the month. If you don't have light neutrals, this is your chance to catch up or lay out your block collections to figure out what is still needed.
Misterlinky worked on the first try this morning! Please share your progress with us.
Saturday, September 23, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Confusion
Well that was odd, misterlinky disappeared for a bit this morning, but I found a back door and managed to get in. Speaking of disappearing, our Friday night margarita date night restaurant is closing at the end of the month. Our friends came out with us last night to say farewell. I am not sure what we will do on Fridays now, but it has been nice not having to make a decision. When I get in my car on Friday to drive home, it tells me how long to get to Little Dos. My car is a bit scary sometimes.
I have been down all week with a head cold. I tested negative for Covid, but it still did me in. Hoping to be more human next week. I guess there is one more week left in September though, so I don't have to worry about a new color quite yet.
How are your aquamarine/teal/blue-green scraps coming along?
Saturday, September 16, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday
Saturday, September 9, 2023
Turtle Krawl
Saturday, September 2, 2023
ScapHappy Saturday - Long Weekend
Saturday, August 26, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday
Saturday, August 19, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday
Saturday, August 12, 2023
ScrapHappy Sunshiny Day
We had a 2 day week with students, it was nice to settle in slowly. We still can't teach AP Psychology or call students by any name not on their birth certificate. What a strange world. On Monday we are expecting the permission slip so that Thomas can be Tommy again and Cynthia and be Cyndi. I do feel a bit bad for the kid whose parents named him Lester, but everyone is too terrified of being sued under the new law to risk anything that hasn't been officially sanctioned. I keep hoping that once we get past this things will settle back to something more normal again. Until then, fabric hasn't changed much and nobody has declared rainbow quilts to be illegal yet. Let us sew!
Saturday, August 5, 2023
What day is it?
Saturday, July 29, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Binding Time

Saturday, July 22, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Quilting!
I've been quilting! This one is a girl scout t-shirt quilt for a customer.
What are your scraps turning into this month?
Saturday, July 15, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday Summer Fun
It is finally starting to feel like summer. I have been working a few hours most days, but yesterday I had an actual at home all day vacation day and it was so lovely!
I have been busy sewing hexies together into rows. So far I have finished red orange and yellow. I really don't have a lot of orange fabrics! I will see what I can find to bulk up that row a bit. It has been so nice to settle in with a movie and sew in the air conditioning.
It is HOT out there. I try to get out before it heats up in the morning, because once the sun is fully up it just starts to bake.
We have enjoyed beach walks though, with toes dipped in the water it doesn't feel so warm. There are all sorts of turtles swimming in the ocean and birds hanging out in the sand.
I also made good progress on this t-shirt quilt. If is for the same lady who had me make a quilt for her daughter's wedding last summer. This one is girl scout themed. I am not sure if I like the green that I had on hand for the lattice. I might try something else.
How is your sewing coming along. We are halfway though July already!
Saturday, July 8, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday
Our visit to the cabin was a busy one. Lots of work, but still time for relaxation. Our neighbors with a tractor volunteered to come and help us tear out a broken walkway. It was quite a production.
Saturday, July 1, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Happy July
It's July! I am looking forward to red this month. Something vibrant seems just right. We are at the cabin this week doing lots of manual labor. There has been wood cutting, rock hauling and assorted chores keeping us all busy. Kurt installed a new window successfully. We got an estimate from a contractor and decided that was a project we could definitely try to do on our own. The first attempt went well enough that I think we will just slowly work our way through the worst ones.
We did get a dumpster delivered and have almost filled it in two days with the collected debris that has been collecting on the property for at least the last three decades. It is red in honor of the color for July! We were successful yesterday in using the UTV to winch a washing machine up the side of the ravine. It was quite exciting! There were several pieces of a target practice deer form that got tossed in and the head ended up poking up at us over the edge of the dumpster. His one remaining eye is following at us as we roam around the property. There was lots of hand sewing of hexies that got accomplished in the car, but sadly, no photos. I brought up a machine though, so a sewing space is on the list of projects. It is a long list, but we are making good progress!
Saturday, June 24, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday -
And now the beginning of summer. A bit of a delay in the start of summer vacation this year, but I have two weeks of pure relaxation mode to look forward to. Sewing, relaxing and hanging around the cabin. What could be better than that?
I hope you are feeling ready to finish with the pastel blues and greens. July is scheduled to be red this year! It should be bit of a change of pace.Saturday, June 17, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Summer Blues
Saturday, June 10, 2023
ScrapHappy Summer
Saturday, June 3, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Baby Blues and Greens
I hope that you made great progress on orange and are ready to move on to some nice pastels for a change of pace. Orange is never a large volume color for me, but blue and green are quite the opposite. Hopefully by having another chance to focus on the lighter end of the blue and green bins we can all keep up with the supply.
Thursday, June 1, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - June
Some colors need more than one month. I will admit to getting a bit tired of working through the blues, but the bin never seems to get any smaller! Just in case you made a nice dent in the blues when we did dark and bright earlier this year, feel free to add some light greens to the light blues to try to tidy up two bins in June.
Saturday, May 27, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Schools Out
Graduation was Tuesday, it was a beautiful ceremony. Then, we went to trivia again on Thursday and won! We can keep eating for free as long as we keep wining.
Finally, it was the last day of school! Just two weeks of camps and a week of work at the district, but there is a light and a tunnel in there somewhere. Having a summer is one of the best things about teaching.
Saturday, May 20, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Orange Crush
Saturday, May 13, 2023
ScrapHappy Saturday - Orange you Glad?
Looking forward to seeing lots of happy oranges. Everything in my sewing room is a disaster right now. Kurt is putting built in shelves into the wall under the stairs and two children are home form college, dropping off all of the detritus from dorms and apartments into my sewing space and the spot where I usually put my car in the garage. So my car is outside getting salty and getting to my sewing machine is a dusty obstacle course. Still, somewhere in there are my orange scraps! I am looking forward to finding them and reclaiming at least some of my new sewing space.
How are your scraps coming along this month? Misterlinky is below. Please share your progress.
Saturday, May 6, 2023
ScapHappy Saturday - Ready for a Change